VTH Accounts Receivable Reporting

VTH Policy #Bill310
Implementation Date: 07/23/2009  Date of Last Revision: 06/13/2022  Next Review Due: 02/18/2022
Revised VTH Director Approval: 02/19/21  Reviewed by VTH Board: N/A
Reviewed by Legal Counsel: N/A Reviewed by Biosecurity Subcommittee: N/A

Subject to modification by the VTH Director without approval.


All units must comply with all state, University of Illinois System, and accounting requirements for receivables. Banner AR facilitates this compliance. Therefore, all units must record their receivables in Banner AR or request and receive an exemption from OBFS. Units that do not use Banner AR mu


Per Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) Policy #Bill319 – Payment Due at Time of Service clients are required to pay for all patient charges at the time of discharge from the hospital (see policy for exceptions). When a balance is not collected at the time of discharge, the outstanding balance becomes accounts receivable to the VTH.

Procedure (if applicable)

The supervisor for the front desk staff runs a daily admissions report (Admissions Report in the Health Information System - HIS) and coordinates with the VTH Business Office Accounting Associate on any unpaid balances from the previous business day. Additionally, each month the Business Office Lead runs the AR Aging and Open Report from the HIS to ensure that all open account balances are sent to Banner AR within 30 days from the date of service to comply with University policy.

Each open client account balance in the HIS is sent an itemized invoice and electronically forwarded to University's General Accounts Receivable (GAR) for processing. GAR is the main contact for outstanding balances once the balance is sent to GAR. If the bill is not paid within 90 days, the account is turned over for the campus collection process. At this time the VTH Business Office will receive a notification that the account should be marked delinquent in the HIS by changing the account type to “4” and client status to Delinquent Account/No Service.

Monthly the Business Office runs a report out of the database to review all accounts at GAR. This report is provided to service heads for the VTH to detail outstanding accounts within their service. Accounts are judgmentally selected from this monthly report for follow-up by the Business Office.

At the end of each fiscal year (6/30/xx) the AR Aging report must be run in the HIS to properly accrue any accounts receivable outstanding on year-end fact sheets. An allowance for uncollected receivables can be estimated at this time.

Definitions (if applicable)

HIS: Hospital Information System (Vetstar; SANDI)

VTH - The collective clinical services of the Large Animal Clinic, the Small Animal Clinic, and the Veterinary Medicine South Clinic.

adjust, AR, A/R, GAR, General Accounts Receivable, overdue, delinquent, past due, aging, aged, accrue 
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Tina O. in UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital