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SANDI - Patient rDVM and Visit rDVM Overview

The folloiwng article gives an overview of how rDVM information is populated. It is very Important to note that the rDVM assigned to the patient can differ from the rDVM assigned to a visit.

rDVM assigned to the Patient

If you change the rDVM in the Patient record (editing from the Patient box) it will not automatically change the rDVM assigned to the Visit. The patient rDVM and Visit rDVM are separate from each other. 

  • EXCEPTION: If you register a Visit and change the rDVM that is auto populated in Registration, it will update the Patient record (Edited from the Patient box).

rDVM assigned to the Visit

  • If you edit an open Visit and change an rDVM it will NOT change the rDVM in the Patient record (editing from the Patient box)

rDVM assigned at Registration

Important: If you register a Visit and change the rDVM that is auto populated, it will update the Patient record (editing from the Patient box).

  •  A Patient can only have one rDVM attached.
  • A Visit can have an rDVM and that rDVMs clinic/Hospital listed if that rDVM is associated with a hospital or clinic.  When registering you will see both the rDVM and their associated hospital or clinic if there is one.  

Keywordsrdvm, visit, hosp, hosptial, clinic, refer, referring, vet   Doc ID127044
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2023-04-04 10:07:28Updated2023-05-22 09:48:18
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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