Cleaning and Sanitizing USP 795

Non-Sterile Compounding <795>

Cleaning and Sanitizing SOP
Non-Sterile Compounding <795>


Purpose/ Applicability:  To provide guidelines for cleaning and sanitizing in non-sterile compounding areas to prevent opportunities for cross-contamination and to avoid exposure to personnel. Non-sterile compounding space shall be performed in a well-lit and clean area.

Scope: Applies to all personnel involved in cleaning and sanitizing non-sterile compounding areas.


Cleaning: To make free from direct, organic matter, salts. First step of any disinfection process.

Cleaning Agent: An agent for removal of product residues that may inactivate sanitizing agents or harbor microorganisms.

Sanitizing Agent: An agent that reduces a number of all forms of microbial life including fungi, viruses, and bacteria.


  • Paper towels ; wipes
  • Mop handle and mop heads
  • Cleaning agents: Alcohol 70%


  1.  For non-sterile compounding, work surfaces will be sprayed with 70% alcohol and wiped down before and after compounding activity. Work surfaces will also be sprayed and wiped down when surface contamination is known or suspected, and after spills.

  2. In between compounding with different components, work surfaces must be cleaned with 70% alcohol.

  3. When possible, floors will be mopped with diluted Lysol weekly or at least monthly. After any spills, or if surface contamination (e.g., splashes) is known or suspected, floors will be mopped.

Keywordscleaning, sanitizing   Doc ID130884
OwnerJenny C.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2023-09-06 14:21:05Updated2023-09-07 15:32:44
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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