How to request VDL/COFL test(s) in SANDI
Placing an Order in Labs
1. From the Patient Dashboard, select the Labs Module arrow.
2. Select Create VDL Order
3. The VDL CoreOne for Labs (COFL) order screen will appear.
1. Current Patient information will auto-populate, review it for accuracy.
2. Patient Mapping will be auto-populated in most cases. If it is NOT ensure Sex and Breed is selected.
3. Visit and Staff information will auto-populate with the current open visit data. If these are not populated, make the proper selection in the drop-down list.
4. Patient History can be populated with free form type OR you can attach a PDF.
IMPORTANT Patient History Info: You CANNOT type patient history and attach a PDF, you MUST do one or the other as the VDL system does not allow both.
5. Lab Selection is where you search and select the available test to add to your order.
4. Select the Lab Section and specific Lab test from the dropdowns.
5. Once the Lab section and Test is selected, a Schedule box will appear detailing when the test can be performed and the turnaround time for the test.
6. Verify that all information is complete and select Submit
Note: Go to the SANDI Labs Module to print a specimen label.