Results: 1-14 of 14

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1SANDI - Logging into SANDI1074852024-07-2914983
2SANDI - Click to call within client info box on the Dashboard1302792023-08-14583
3SANDI - Recalls, Health Tracking and Immunization History1179492023-07-191849
4SANDI AR Worklist Output Info1298032023-07-18399
5SANDI - PIN Reset1271022023-07-061037
6SANDI - How do I switch or choose a different patient under a specific client?1193282023-05-301373
7SANDI Test Account - Rules for using a test account in SANDI1270992023-05-221078
8SANDI - Resizing SANDI via the Chrome Browser & Monitor Resolution Settings1194552023-05-222341
9SANDI - Steps to take when menus or options are not responding, properly visible, etc.1134212023-05-222515
10SANDI - How do I print client and patient labels in SANDI?1185692023-05-191860
11SANDI - How do I send a patient to Cubex?1185992023-05-191756
12SANDI - How can I search for a template in Exams & Forms that is not part of my services templates?1197092023-05-191626
13SANDI - How do I add, change or remove a Doctor to an Appointment?1204132023-05-191726
14SANDI - How do I add forms like Case Transfer Summary, Outpatient Discharge Summary, etc.?1217512023-05-191459

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