Results: 41-60 of 326

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41SANDI - VTH Internal Labs: Requesting and Results (NOVA)1303472024-08-13973
42Small Animal Emergency Service Patient Transfer to VTH Services SOP [Campus login required]1288322024-08-07358
43Animal Control Directory [Campus login required]1285262024-08-06171
44Resident Professional Development Funds [Campus login required]1243782024-07-31376
45SANDI - Discharging a Patient1070732024-07-293366
46SANDI - Registering a Patient1064272024-07-294588
47SANDI - Client and Patient Lookup and New Setup1061442024-07-294210
48SANDI - Resetting your Cubex passcode and fingerprint (Biometrics)1229372024-07-291764
49SANDI - Procedure Price Calculation (Current and Non-Client) Search1202062024-07-291812
50SANDI - Charges Report1195152024-07-291859
51How to run a NOVA Test1045442024-07-293909
52Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Remove an Appointment1043702024-07-293329
53SANDI - Broadcast Screens1045152024-07-295700
54SANDI - Module Development Overview and Status1045462024-07-293976
55Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Adding Appointments by Service and Doctor1032822024-07-183329
56Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Extending Schedules / Templates1033282024-07-183445
57Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Add Time Slots1033292024-07-183713
58Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Assigning Doctor/Clinician's Initials to a Specific Time Slot1033332024-07-183330
59Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Add or Remove a Doctor Name from Bottom of Weekly View1033342024-07-183780
60Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Create or Edit Existing Template1033482024-07-183915
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