TeamDynamix, How do I update or reassign tickets in a batch?

TeamDynamix allows updating multiple tickets at once via a two step process. First, a technician must run a search for particular tickets. Once the appropriate tickets are found and selected, technicians may comment on, update statuses, notify contacts, or reassign tickets.

Searching Using the Filter Function

TDNext provides a number of “out-of-the-box” options for commonly used filters in the Ticketing application (labeled Tickets) on the left navigation menu. However, if you are looking for a specific subset of tickets not provided by the standard filters, you can use the Filter function. Using the Filter function allows you to filter on many different fields and to save filter searches for future use.

NOTE: Any filtered search where you select multiple filters uses the AND relationship, which only shows tickets where all of the selected criteria are true. To see tickets using the OR relationship, where either one or the other criteria is true, you will need to create a custom report, which is not covered in this job aid.

    1. Click on Tickets in the left menu to access the main window in the Ticketing application.

Screenshot of the Tickets on left menu of the Ticketing application.

    1. Click the Filter icon in the upper right corner of the Ticketing application desktop.

Screenshot of search bar and filter icon.

NOTE: The filter options pane appears from the right listing all the ticket fields associated with the ticket type.

Screenshot of Filter Options.

NOTE: The Filter pane contains many fields by which you can search. The default view of the Filter pane shows the Standard Fields, which are grouped into several categories, including General, Responsibility, Priority Factors, Dates/Updates and several others that can be viewed by scrolling down the panel. Some of the Standard Fields listed under the General category at the top of the Filter pane include Text Search, ID, Requestor, Acct/Dept(s), Ticket Type(s), and Current Status.

Some fields will be custom and can only be found by selecting theCustom Fields tab at the top of the Filter pane. Use the righthand scroll bar to navigate to the options you want to select. The Scroll button at the top of the Filter pane provides a drop-down menu that lists the standard categories of all fields, allowing you to quickly get to a section without using the scroll bar.

    1. Type any information and/or make any selections in your desired filter fields as needed.

Screenshot of Filter pane under "requestor."

NOTE: You may make selections in multiple fields. Keep in mind that selecting multiple fields uses the AND relationship in the search.

    1. Click Apply at the top of the Filter pane.

Screenshot of Apply button at the top of the Filter pane.

NOTE: Any results for your filter selections appear in the Tickets window.

Screenshot of filter selections on the Tickets window.

Applying Actions to the Tickets

Screenshot of multiple selected tickets and the contents of the Actions menuOnce you have your list of filtered tickets, you can select some or all of them and perform batch actions.

  • Using the checkbox in the far-left column for each ticket, select those tickets you wish to update.  You can also use the checkbox in the uppermost left-hand corner to select all tickets on that page at once.
  • Use the Actions menu to select the action you wish to perform.

Comment - Use this if you want to add the same comment to each ticket.   You can also choose to notify via this method by selecting one or more of the choices in the Notification box.  For example, if you want to send the same comment to all ticket requestors, highlight "Requestors"

Update - Use this is you want to change the status on all selected tickets.  You can choose to notify via this method by selecting one or more of the choices in the Notification box.  For example, if you want to send the same comment to all ticket creators, highlight "Creators."   An example of the usefulness of using Update would be closing tickets that were generated and notifying customers at the same time.

Assign - Use this if you want to assign or reassign all selected tickets.  It is best practice to always assign to a group.  If you choose to assign to a person, TDX will only preserve the current group responsibility if that person is a member of the group.  Otherwise, the ticket will have only person responsibility.

Other options in the Actions menu are not widely used at this time.  

KeywordsTDX TeamDynamix "help center" "edit in list" batch "team dynamix" dynamics   Doc ID109595
OwnerTDX C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2021-03-09 13:46:03Updated2023-10-12 10:36:14
SitesUniversity of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services
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