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Illinois App, App Is Not Available in My Country's App Store
To download the Illinois app outside the United States you must be able to change your account or store region.
The Illinois app is available only through Apple's App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) in the United States. It is not available elsewhere. You may be able to download the Illinois app in your country by changing your account or store region.
Changing Your Apple Account Region (iOS)
You may be able to change the region of your Apple account so that you can access the US App Store. See Change Your Apple Account Country or Region from Apple Support. Please read the instructions carefully because some irreversible changes will need to be made during this process.
Changing Your Google Play Country (Android)
You may be able to to change your country setting so that you can access the US version of Google Play. See How to Change Your Google Play Country from Google. Please note the warnings and limitations at the beginning of the article. A video guide to the process is also available.