Zoom, Features and Integrations Dashboard

This article describes the current status of requested features and integrations for the UIUC Zoom platform. Further below are recommended ways to request features and integrations for review. There may be applications, integrations and features available for Zoom users to add without the ability for Technology Services to manage centrally. If you decide to add and use a 3rd party application or integration with UIUC Zoom that doesn't appear below, you choose to do so at your own risk.

Table of Contents:

Approved Requests

  • Kaltura - Illinois Mediaspace
  • LTI Pro - Illinois Canvas, Learn@Illinois (Moodle), Illinois Extension Moodle
  • Otter AI
  • Google Workspace
  • Outlook
  • Zoom Whiteboard 2.0
  • Zoom Timer App
  • Zoom Scheduler

Denied Requests

Zoom Integrations Feature Table
Integration/Feature Reasoning

In-Progress Requests

Integration/Feature Need Support Vendor Risk & Privacy Assessments
Accessibility NewSoft Procurement Scheduled deployment
Zoom AI Companion Complete Tech Services In-Progress In-Progress
BusyCal Complete Self Service Complete In-Progress
Retain Complete Self Service In-Progress
Zapier Complete Self Service Pass 3rd party integration - Complete

Table Legend

Action Color

Request Process

The recommended way to request an integration is to navigate to the Zoom Marketplace and add it there.  You will be presented with a notification stating your request has been logged. 

If you would like to request an integration/feature that is not available within the Zoom Marketplace, please submit a ticket to the Technology Services Help Desk at help.uillinois.edu, by emailing consult@illinois.edu or by calling 217-244-7000.

Once a large enough interest has been determined, the Zoom administration team will proceed using the process and associated criteria defined below. 

NOTE: Integration requests with other University of Illinois Urbana Champaign approved software platforms are strongly preferred.

Requested applications must successfully complete the following to be approved on the UIUC Zoom tenant below.  Generally, we will follow the sequence shown below, however, in some instances we may need to alter the order.  Please note: depending on the scope of the integration the responsibility to complete the steps below may need

  1. Need: requested applications must fulfill a need that isn't already performed by another approved application, integration or feature.  OR the requested application, integration or feature must provide the same or better functionality more efficiently or at a cheaper cost.
  2. Support: all requested integrations and features must have clearly defined support responsibilities.  Technology Services may fulfill this support role, or declare approved integration/features to be self-supported.  Some approved integrations or features may be supported by other college or department IT groups. If it is determined that a requested applications, integration or feature will put undue stress or burden on the Help Desks, college/dept IT staff or service teams, the request will be denied.
  3. Vendor Risk Assessment: The UIUC Zoom platform is primarily used to host virtual classes.  As such, requested applications must pass a Technology Services Privacy and Security Lightweight Risk assessment.  The Zoom Service team will work with the Technology Services GRC team to complete this requirement for native, global integrations or feature sets.  Units requesting 3rd party integrations will be required to complete this step on their own and assume all risk for its use.
  4. Privacy Impact Assessment: In addition to the Vendor Risk Assessment described above requested integrations will be required to complete a Privacy Impact Assessment.   The Zoom Service team will work with the Technology Services Privacy team to complete this requirement for native, global integrations or feature sets.  Units requesting 3rd party integrations will be required to complete this step on their own and assume all risk for its use.
  5. Accessibility: all requests will need to complete a thorough accessibility review.  Approved requests will have no identified "showstoppers."  The Zoom Service team will work with the Technology Services QAA team to complete this requirement for native, global integrations or feature sets.  Units requesting 3rd party integrations will be required to complete this step on their own and assume all risk for its use.
  6. NewSoft: Integration requests will go through an expedited version of the Tech Services NewSoft process to ensure all internal stakeholders are aware.
  7. Purchasing: Any costs associated with licensing or support as well as vendor EULA or TOS will be reviewed.  It may be determine that an integration or application may only be available to restricted groups and/or use cases.  Any acceptable use policies will be documented.

Keywordsmarketplace, approve, apps, NewSoft   Doc ID118838
OwnerMartin L.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2022-06-03 11:51:05Updated2024-09-09 12:47:54
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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