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Networking, Power over Ethernet

Power over Ethernet allows devices to receive power via their network connection. Technology Services supports PoE on campus on a limited basis.

Power over Ethernet

Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology that allows some network-connected devices to be powered via their connection to the network switch, instead of with their own AC adapter. Using Power over Ethernet can make deploying devices easier, allows devices to be power cycled remotely, and can be more energy efficient.

In the past, Technology Services has not been able to provide PoE to the campus due to the limited equipment and power available. However, Technology Services Networking has made significant upgrades to the Campus Network and is now able to offer PoE on a limited basis for IP Phones. Units will no longer need to purchase an AC adapter for each IP phone in locations where PoE is available.

Guidelines for Power over Ethernet on campus

Power over Ethernet is available to IT Pros on Technology Services managed network switches with the following guidelines.

  • Power over Ethernet is provided on a best-effort basis, depending on the power and equipment that are available. In some cases, there may not be enough available power or equipment to provide PoE. If there is not enough power available on a switch, PoE may be disabled. Technology Services recommends keeping spare AC power adapters on hand for situations where PoE is not available.
  • Priority for Power over Ethernet will be given to Technology Services devices which support critical services, such as wireless access points and security cameras. If the switch does not have enough available power, PoE to other devices may be disabled in order to provide enough power to critical devices.
  • Technology Services may disable Power over Ethernet in situations where a device is causing adverse effects to the network or to other devices.
  • Technology Services recognizes that there are many devices that can benefit from Power over Ethernet; however, the self-service availability for IT Pros to enable PoE is currently limited to IP phones due to their low power requirements. If you would like to use PoE on a different type of device, please contact Technology Services Networking so that we can verify that enough power is available. Technology Services may expand the availability of self-service PoE to other device types in the future as we continue to upgrade the Campus Network.

Configuring Power over Ethernet

Power over Ethernet can be managed by IT Pros using the Technology Services Iris tool. Instructions for using Iris can be found on the Iris service details page.

Because PoE is only available for IP Phones, a switchport must be configured for voice to use PoE by checking the "Voice" checkbox. Once a port is configured for voice, the PoE toggle box will be available to select or de-select. If the Voice checkbox is not available, you will need to contact Technology Services Networking and request the voice network be configured on the switch you would like to use.

Checking the "PoE" checkbox will enable PoE for the port. Unchecking the PoE checkbox will disable PoE for the port. The PoE field will have a green background when PoE is enabled and currently being delivered to the port, and a white background when PoE is not being delivered.

Additional information

If you have any questions about PoE or would like to use Power over Ethernet on a device other than an IP Phone, please contact Technology Services Networking.

Keywordsnetwork switch iris power over ethernet poe ip phone camera 802.3af   Doc ID120806
OwnerNetworking N.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2022-08-22 09:49:01Updated2023-07-06 15:26:02
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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