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ProctorU Record+, Setting up Exams to Use ProctorU Record+

This document provides information on configuration settings to use ProctorU in your course space.

 ProctorU Account and Browser Extension

  • Resources for Students: Tell the students that the exam uses ProctorU Record+ so that they can prepare in advance. ProctorU also offers sample language for your syllabus.
  • If you do not already have one, you must create a ProctorU account using your Illinois email address or contact CITL to create one. You will also set a password for your ProctorU account.
  • You must also accept the Guidelines. 
  • Get the ProctorU browser extension for Chrome or Firefox extension for Firefox and be sure your browser is up to date.
  • Accept the Instructor Guidelines. Check the box at the bottom of this form and submit it. 
  • Get the browser extension for Chrome or Firefox and be sure your browser is up to date.
  • Ensure that the appropriate extension is enabled, and sign into it. 
    • Press the ProctorU browser extension icon at the top of your browser window (assuming you have it enabled and pinned). To view all your extensions or to pin the extension, press the puzzle-piece icon in Chrome. 


Figure 1: browser extension for Chrome           Figure 2: Firefox browser extension

DRES Accommodations 

If any students need extended test-taking time, you can accommodate them using overrides in Moodle or in Canvas by using the “Moderate Quiz” button, which appears after the exam is published. You must also add the student names into ProctorU’s system using the Accomodations web form for accommodations at least 24 hours in advance. Submit the form for every student who needs it for extended time or any other accommodation, such as a screen-reader or special equipment. 

ProctorU External Tool Link (Optional) 

This step is optional, and you may want to skip it. You can provide the ProctorU tool link in your Canvas or Moodle course site. Please note this can mislead students into thinking they need to sign up for the exam in ProctorU’s website – they do not. It simply provides a link where they can create or sign into their ProctorU account to take the exam, but they do not need to use it. 

  • In Canvas, by default there may a ProctorU link in the left-hand course navigation menu. Press that link to sign into ProctorU. If you don’t see it, to enable it for you and students, press the Settings button in the course navigation menu. Press the Navigation tab at the top of that page. Scroll down to the ProctorU link and press the options button to the right of it. Choose Enable and save. 

  • In Moodle, you can add an external tool item for ProctorU to make a ProctorU link/icon appear in your course site. Pressing this icon/link will sign you into ProctorU. Press the Turn Editing On button in the upper right corner. Then press Add an Activity or Resource in the area you want to create the link. Then choose the External Tool option from the next window, name the item ProctorU (or whatever you would like) and choose ProctorU from the “preconfigured tool” menu. Press Save and Return to Course. It appears as shown below. 

  • Warning: If instead you press Save and Display or if you subsequently press on the ProctorU external tool link yourself, your ProctorU account may be converted into a student account. If this happens, contact 


Figure 3: Canvas link                       Figure 4: Moodle link


Exam Settings in Canvas and Moodle

To use Record+, your exam must have a time limit and a password, but you should never issue that password to students or they can bypass ProctorU completely. 

  • Be sure that you are signed into the ProctorU browser extension in Chrome or Firefox. After enabling ProctorU on an exam, in the future be sure to always sign into the browser extension before editing the exam settings, though you can edit questions without doing so. 
  • In Canvas courses: navigate to the quiz, open it and press the Edit button.
  • In Moodle LTI courses: To use Record+ on quizzes in full or single activity Moodle LTI courses housed inside Canvas, follow these steps before you proceed.
    • To enable Record+ on an exam, you must first open that exam in a new tab or browser window; otherwise, you will not be able to see the ProctorU settings. You want to only see Moodle in your active tab, not the Canvas frame around it.
    •  To do this, navigate to the quiz, and press the down arrow button between your profile image and the Edit Mode button. In the pop-up menu, select the option Open in a New Tab and also press the button to turn on Edit Mode.

Open new tab

    • You must set up quizzes as shown in this article. This forces students to open the quiz in a new browser tab, which they must do to engage Record+. They should only see Moodle frame in the active tab, not the Canvas frame around it. This method involves hiding the actual quiz from students and adding a URL item that links to the quiz.
  • In both Canvas and Moodle set the date availability and duration of the exam. The exam must have a time limit, but the availability range can be as long as you would like. 

  • On the settings page, press the ProctorU switch which is located beneath the exam description field. If you do not see the ProctorU switch, you may not be signed into the browser extension. 

  • A new switch to enable an auto-generated password will appear. We recommend using it to create a very secure password. If you enable it, the fields for an access code (in Canvas) or password (in Moodle) will disappear from their areas lower down on the page.  

    • However, you can leave this disabled and provide your own access code (in Canvas) or password (in Moodle) lower on the page as usual. 

    • You must use a password / access code, and you should never issue it to students. If there is no access code, or if you give it to students, then they may access the exam without engaging ProctorU and will not be recorded.
  • This will display a full menu of settings and notification options. 

    • In Canvas, you will need to scroll up to the top of the page and look for the two ProctorU tabs – one for settings and one for notifications. 

    • In Moodle, these will just appear lower down on the same page.

  • Select the boxes for your preferred choices among the settings and notifications. 

    • The first section addresses how restrictive the settings are for the following topics. Use the pull-down menu to choose what you would like to allow or prevent. 

  • Browser tabs: whether or not they can open new browser tabs. 

  • Allow copy text and image: whether or not they can copy any content. 

  • Window sized allowed: whether or not they can resize the Guardian browser window. 

  • Application lost focus: whether or not they can open another application. 

    • In the second section, you select which resources students are permitted to use. Choosing or not choosing these options does not prevent students from doing things, it just causes flags and incident reports if they don’t follow your guidelines. 

  • Set the notification options to send notifications when sessions start - only if you would like this on. 

· Moodle Only – In the section called “Extra Restrictions on Attempts” be sure that the Browser Security to None. If it is set to the other option, students cannot access the exam.

"Extra restrictions on attempts" pop up window

  • After saving the changes, a line of text will be generated automatically in your quiz description field as an alert for students when they open the quiz.

ProctorU Website

  • After setting up the exam in a Canvas, Moodle or Moodle LTI course, you can review the exam in the ProctorU website. You do not need to go there unless you want to view recordings after the exam. 

  • If you navigate to the exam in ProctorU, you can change or add additional instructors, incident users or contact information as needed. Please only edit these things here. Press Exam Options and then select Edit this Exam. Then add or revise the instructor and/or incident user information as needed. When finished, press the Submit for Review button. If you decide not to change anything, close or exit the page. There is not a button to cancel changes. 
    The Exam Options button and menu.

  • All of the other settings for the exam should only be adjusted in your exam in Canvas, Moodle or Moodle LTI. 

  • You can view a list of who took the exam and complete logs and recordings for every session. 

Common Questions and Concerns 

  • When a student begins the exam, the ProctorU system will automatically and secretly enter the password on the student’s behalf. The student will never see and does not need to know the access code or password. 

  • Do not issue the access code (password) to students. If they have it, then they are able to take the exam without using ProctorU and not be recorded or monitored.  

    • In Canvas, the access code (aka password) will appear on the exam page to instructors and TAs if you just open the exam (but not if you are editing the exam while the auto-generate password feature is enabled). 

    • In Moodle, if you use the auto-generate password feature, you will not be able to view the password while ProctorU is enabled. 

  • You cannot test the exam in Guardian browser as yourself or by using the Test Student or Student View in Moodle or Canvas because you need to have a valid, linked ProctorU student account to take an exam using ProctorU. If you know the password, you can test the exam in a different browser by providing the password. 

  • If you look at your exam in the  ProctorU system, under the “Type” column, Record+ exams should be listed as “Auto.”  

  • Human proctors review all the automated recordings and flags. They create a timeline of flags and generate any reports. These are emailed to you within a couple days to alert you to any incidents you may want to review. According to ProctorU, about 16% of exams have accompanying incident reports. 

  • After enabling Record+ you may receive an automated email asking you to review the exam. You can ignore that message or simply review the settings you chose in Canvas or Moodle. You do not need to visit the ProctorU website or change anything there. 

Canvas, Moodle, proctoring, exams, quizzes, test, instructors, teachers, proctor, proctoru, record+ 
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Gaby V. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services