Kaltura, Sharing videos with students

Kaltura gives teachers multiple options for sharing their videos with students. It is up to teachers to choose the right setting, considering privacy, University policy, and the needs of their courses. It’s important to keep in mind who will be able to view your videos, and what settings are available to control that.

All new videos in Kaltura start as “Private,” meaning only the owner can view them.  After your videos have been added to Kaltura, you will need to make choices to share them with your students.  

If you are teaching with Canvas or Moodle, you can use built-in tools to place videos there to play for your students. If students have access to a course site, they can access the videos, regardless of the video's privacy settings.

You have the option is to set a video to “Unlisted.” Unlisted videos can not be found by searching the Web, and can only be viewed by clicking a link you share. Setting a video to Unlisted and sharing a link to it is the quickest way to share a video. It is also pretty much the only way to share a video with non-U of I folks.  However, it is possible that a link will be shared, so you should consider issues of privacy

Control Privacy and Access with Channels

Videos can be restricted to specific audiences. To control who can access videos, you can create channels and "publish"  videos to them. A channel acts kind of like a folder or a Webpage as part of mediaspace.illinois.edu. (Published doesn't necessarily mean public. It means that you have added the video to one or more channels.) 

Channels have privacy settings that allow close control over the intended audience of videos that have been published to it. A channel can be:

•    Restricted: anyone signed in with a University account can view videos. 

•    Private: only specific users can view these videos.  Instructors can also add class rosters to a channelIn most cases, this would be the preferred method. 

•    Public: anyone on the Web can find and view the video. You might have a good reasons to make a video public, but you should make sure you have considered any issues of privacy (FERPA in particular)

In addition to providing the link to a specific video or a channel, you can add an embed code to a Website (such as Wordpress or Lon-Capa). People would need to be able to access the video based on any of the above settings for this method to work (e.g., Unlisted or in a channel they can access).

Students can also add videos to Illinois Media Space. They can be given permission to publish to a channel, and they can submit videos in Canvas.  

For more information:

University of Illinois System Privacy Statement

Kaltura, mediaspace, canvas, video, media, sharing, publishing, private, channel, teach, privacy, FERPA, unlisted, share, students, course 
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Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services