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Office 365, Email, Exchange, How to redirect or forward Exchange email to a different email account using an Outlook desktop client

I have an Exchange account I would like to forward e-mails to a different account. How do I do this?
Please note: Faculty and staff can no longer redirect or auto-forward their university email. Please see this KB for more information: Privacy & Cybersecurity, Faculty and Staff Email Auto-forwarding Retirement FAQ

It is not recommended that you redirect messages from your Exchange account as it is best to use it as your primary campus account. Please be extremely careful if you deal with sensitive data in your job or academic duties when redirecting mail. You must realize you take on the risks, including potential FERPA violations.

 Instructions for Classic Outlook:

  1. Open Outlook on Windows
  2. From the File menu, select Manage Rules and Alerts. 
  3. From the Email Rules tab, select New Rule.
  4. Under 'Start from a blank rule' select Apply rule on messages I receive
  5. Click Next 
  6. If you want to forward ALL messages then do not check any boxes and hit Next
  7. You will receive a message 'This rule will be applied to every message you receive. Is this correct?'. Select Yes
  8. In the Step 1 box: Place a check mark next to Redirect it to people or or public group OR Forward it to people or public group
  9. In the Step 2 box: click people or public group
  10. A Rule address window will appear. From there either 1) select the email address in which you would like to forward your messages to or 2) type in the full address where you would like your messages to be sent to in the textbox next to To ->
  11. Click Next
  12. Click Next
  13. Under Step 1: give your rule a name (if you would like to)
  14. Under Step 2: Make sure the check box next to Turn on this Rule is checked.
  15. Select Finish
  16. Click Ok

Instructions for New Outlook (Windows):

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right
  3. Click on Mail on the left
  4. Then Rules
  5. Add New Rule
  6. Name your Rule
  7. Add a Condition > Apply to All Messages
  8. Add an Action > Forward to or Redirect to
  9. Click Save
  10. Then make sure its the top rule on the interface by clicking the Up arrows on the newly created rule until its at the Top. 

Instructions for New Outlook (MacOS):

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click Message on the menu bar
  3. Then Rules
  4. Then Edit Rules
  5. Add New Rule
  6. Name your Rule
  7. Select a Condition > Apply to All Messages
  8. Select an Action > Forward to or Redirect to
  9. Click Save
  10. Then make sure its the top rule on the interface by clicking the Up arrows on the newly created rule until its at the Top. 

Exchange forward redirect Outlook 
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