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PIE, Embed Webtools Calendar

Publish.Illinois.Edu has a plugin that allows embedding of a Webtools Calendar within your blog or site.
Before you add a webtools calendar to your PIE site or any other external website, you must first enable the widget components you would like to embed from the Webtools interface:
  • Visit
  • Login and choose "Setup" from the Calendars navigation menu
  • Select the calendar you would like to work with
  • Choose the Widgets tab
  • Select the Widget style(s) you would like to embed from the Available Components pane
  • Note the ID of the component you would like to embed, you will need it later
  • While you are in webtools, note your calendar ID if you have not already (it's the number at the end of the URL listed in the General tab)
  • Click Save
Activated embeddable calendar widgets in WebTools

To embed your Webtools Calendar in your PIE site:

  • Visit your dashboard and choose the Plugins menu from the left sidebar.
  • Find Illinois Webtools Calendar Widget
  • If there is an Activate link, click it (if the link says Deactivate, the plugin is already activated)
  • Optional: If you would like restrict which pages the calendar shows up on, also activate the JP Widget Visibility plugin

activate webtools calendar and visibility plugins

  • Go to Appearance -> Widgets in the dashboard left sidebar
  • Find the Illinois Calendar Widget and click on it
  • Select the region in which you would like the calendar to display (the region choices may be different from what you see below, depending on the theme you have enabled)

Add the calendar widget to the desired region

  • The widget will appear in the region you selected
  • Enter a title, and the Calendar ID and component ID you noted from the WebTools interface
  • If you enabled the visibility plugin, click Visibility to enter information about where on your site you would like the widget to appear
  • Click Save
  • View your site to see your embedded calendar

add calendar id and visibility settings

You can also place your calendar component within any page or post content area using a shortcode, replacing <calid> with the calendar ID and <compId> with the component ID:
[illinois_calendar calendar_id="<calid>" component_id="<compId>"]

PIE, Webtools, FAQ, Publish 
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