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Kaltura, My Media
My Media shows you all media associated with your Kaltura account.
Kaltura, My Media
If you log into, you can choose My Media from the menu under your name in the upper-right. The My Media page is your repository for any media you have uploaded to Kaltura. You can also see all videos that have been shared directly with your account.
You can access My Media from Media Space, or within Canvas Compass 2g or Moodle as the course allows.
Kaltura recognizes your netid and presents all video and audio files you have uploaded to the database. You can adjust which videos are displayed by clicking on the Filters button:

For example, if someone has made you co-editor of a video, you can find it by setting the filter to "Media I own."
From My Media you can edit a media file or metadata, trim a media file, or see what videos have been shared with you by others.
From My Media you can select a video to edit or to publish within that application. For example, within Media Space you can publish to a Media Space channel, but you cannot publish to a Canvas or Compass course from Media Space.