Email - (Employees) Managing University Addresses

Employees may have multiple university (UI-type) email addresses if they have multiple campus affiliations. UI email addresses typically are,, or This document explains how employees can set their preferred email address, how to add personal email addresses to their Banner record, and how to automatically forward mail sent to your preferred university email address to an alternative email address.

What is a “preferred” email address?

Your preferred email address is the primary address where official university email is delivered to you as an active employee.  Some employees may have multiple campus affiliations and therefore, multiple university email addresses.  One and only one university email address must be marked “preferred” in Banner (specifically in the Banner form GOAEMAL).  

To see your current university preferred email address:

  1. Log into Banner Self-Service
  2. Click the Personal Information tab
  3. Click the Email Addresses link
University employees can also view their preferred university email address in My UI Info:
  1. Log into My Profile on the My UI Info site
  2. Click Access My Profile
  3. Your preferred email address is shown in the University email field

How do I change my preferred email address?

Send an email to the AITS-ESC Person Resolution team to request which of your university email addresses (,, or you would like set as preferred.  Personal email addresses or email addresses should not be marked preferred for active employees.

Academic employees at UIUC may also contact Academic Human Resources (AHR). 

How do I add a personal email address to my record?

If an employee wishes to add a personal (PERS) email address to his or her Banner record, this can be done via My UI Info (Nessie).  However, the personal email address cannot be the Banner preferred email address if the employee is active.  Adding a personal email address to Banner will not necessarily mean that university email will be sent to this address. 

To add a personal email address to your active employee record:

  1. Go to My UI Info
  2. Select My Profile
  3. Select Access My Profile
  4. Select Edit in the Address/Contact Information section
  5. Select Add next to Personal Email
  6. Enter your email
  7. Select Submit

How do I redirect/forward/route my university email to another address?

Each campus allows staff to manage routing or re-directing emails to a selected email address (policies vary).  While the university may send an official email to the employee’s UI email address, if the employee has set routing/redirecting, the email will then be forwarded to the employee’s chosen personal or alternative university email account.  Click on the appropriate link for instructions and policies.

AITS, preferred, email, account, GOAEMAL, ESC, Person, Resolution, NESSIE, routing, forwarding, redirect, My UI Info, PEAR 
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Stacey N. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services