Topics Map > Communication and collaboration

Campus Mailing Lists, Bounce rate too high

Information about "bounce rate too high" causes, the rate setting and resetting the notification

Possible Causes

  1. The most common cause of a bounce is an invalid email address subscribed to a list.  In this case, the owner should “delete” the email address from the list.  More details below.
  2. The list server misinterprets automated replies as a bounce.   While most auto replies are interpreted correctly, we’ve seen this bug in the software and have reported it to the development team,

The Setting:

Mail list owners can change the notification setting at:  Admin > Edit List Config > Bounces   This setting defines the bounce rate (% of subscribers bouncing) required before the sever notifies the list owner bounces exceed the set values.  The default values are:  warn=30%, halt=50%.   More info at:  

lists bounces page screenshot

Resetting the Bounce Rate:  

To reset the bounce the bounce rate go to:  Admin > Bounces.   Review the email list, select the checkbox next to the email address you want to “reset” or “delete” from the list. 

  • If you have a large list, change the view to “500”. 
  • To select all email addresses click the checkbox at the top of the check box column.

bounce, mail, list, bounce rate, email 
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Sympa S. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services