Cloud Email Delivery Service, Configuring use of the Cloud Email Delivery Service

How to configure an application or host to use the Cloud Email Delivery Service using authenticated SMTP or an API.

If you have been using SMTP to send email to the campus email relays, updating your SMTP configuration is likely to be the easiest way for you to use the Cloud Email Delivery Service

If you would like to use more advanced techniques, an API is also available to developers.


You will need either an API key, or SMTP credentials for authentication, which can be found in your subaccount in the socketlabs portal under Configuration -> Key Manager. Multiple API keys can be generated per subaccount. Each subaccount has one username and password available for an SMTP connection. IP-based authentication is also available, but only upon request and is typically not recommended.

SMTP (easy mode)

The Cloud Email Delivery Service supports SMTP-based email delivery with a few modern twists.

If you need to integrate with a service which speaks SMTP, you can use these settings:

    • SMTP host:
    • Port: 587 (Preferred, others also supported)
    • Encryption: STARTTLS (Implicit SSL can be used with port 465)
    • Credentials will be provided depending on authentication method (user/password or API key)
    • Please note we are using a different hostname from what is listed in the above link
    • Note: some hosting providers block outbound SMTP, so you may need to request that access before you can send via SMTP from your host. For related troubleshooting, please also see:
  • The specific sending domains, bounce domain, and tracking domain for your sub-account are assigned by the service team at account creation.  If you need changes made to these settings please submit a request at

For more details including how to use advanced SMTP features, check out the SMTP API reference.

API (advanced mode)

The Cloud Email Delivery Service is built upon a developer-centric email delivery service. That means it comes with a comprehensive API for sending mail, tracking engagement and so on. If you’d like to dive right in, you can read the vendor API reference documentation

API calls to the SocketLabs API are authenticated using the API key that you generated. Authenticate your calls to the SocketLabs API using the Authorization header with the Bearer authentication scheme.

Example Bearer authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY

If your application or system does not support the Bearer authentication scheme, you may also use the Basic scheme. If using the Basic scheme, you may use any string as the username and then your API key as the password. More information about Basic authentication can be found here.

Example Basic authorization header:

Authorization: Basic YOUR-API-KEY

The Cloud Email Delivery Service vendor also provides libraries, add-ons and plugins for various environments, to simplify your integration:

Socketlabs Integrations

KeywordsCloud Email Delivery Service email relay SMTP socketlabs   Doc ID85412
OwnerEmail Relays E.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2018-09-04 10:41:53Updated2024-02-27 11:19:20
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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