Endpoint Services, Workspace ONE, Privacy and Device Ownership

Device ownership and how it affects Workspace ONE privacy.


Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Affected Customers

University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging Technology Services Endpoint Service Workspace ONE UEM

General Information

Workspace ONE recognizes three different categories of device ownership, each with a different GPS and telecommunications data privacy level. (Workspace ONE telecommunications data includes carrier/country code, roaming status, cellular data usage, cell usage, and SMS usage.)

Corporate Owned (Dedicated) devices are classified as University of Illinois property, and are used for University-only functions. All GPS and telecommunications device data are collected, but are only available by sending a request to securitysupport@illinois.edu.

Corporate Shared devices are also classified as University of Illinois property, but may be loaned out for non-University functions. All GPS and telecommunications device data are collected, but are only available by sending a request to securitysupport@illinois.edu.

Employee Owned devices are personally owned by University of Illinois faculty, staff, or students. GPS data is collected, but may not be accessed without consent. No telecommunications data is collected on employee owned devices.

Please contact the EPS Team if you would like more information about Workspace ONE privacy levels and data collection.

Contact the EPS team

Keywordseps mdm airwatch workspace one endpoint macos ios "workspace one" privacy ownership corporate TechS-EPS-WS1 uem   Doc ID89310
OwnerEPS Distribution ListGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2019-01-25 16:29:26Updated2021-11-22 09:51:20
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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