Zoom, Updating Display Name

This article describes the process for updating your preferred name in Zoom.
If you need assistance changing your preferred first name in many of our campus systems, students can see the Office of the Registrar information. Faculty and staff can use option 2 or 3 in the directions from the "How to change display name for faculty/staff" article. For more information about preferred name policies, please visit the Preferred First Name Statement.
How does Zoom get my default display name?
Your display name will be the represented by the field found in your Zoom profile at https://illinois.zoom.us/profile. By default it will be your First and Last name.

How do I edit my display name?

  1. Log into https://illinois.zoom.us/profile
  2. Click the Edit button to the right of your name.
  3. Edit the Display Name field to include what you would want displayed during Zoom meetings.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
I've updated my preferred name, how do I get Zoom to update it?
You have the option to use a preferred name as your first name in Zoom. After you've made the update and it has propagated to the necessary campus systems, the next time you log in to illinois.zoom.us your first and/or last name fields will automatically be updated. If you do not have a preferred name, Zoom will pull your first and last name as it appears in Banner.  
I've updated my preferred name, how do I get Zoom to use it for my display name?
  1. To change your display name in Zoom, you MUST log in to your Illinois Zoom account at illinois.zoom.us. For instructions on the proper way to login to use your Illinois Zoom account, see our "Logging In" article.
  2. Click on your account Profile tab on the left side of the page.
  3. Click the Edit button to the far right of your name.  
  4. Confirm your name looks how you expect. If you have added a preferred name, your first name should be updated to include your new first name. The First and Last Name fields in Zoom are updated after each successful SSO login attempt. 
  5. Edit the Display Name field to include your updated Preferred name.  This change must now be completed manually.
  6. If the name appears as you expect, click the Save button below your information section. You MUST click the Save button in order to update your display name within Zoom. You may need to sign out, and back into the Zoom desktop and mobile apps for the display name change to take effect there as well.
I've changed my NetID, how will Zoom recognize the change?
Zoom creates a brand new account when you login with a new NetID. If you have started the NetID change process and you have a Zoom account with your old NetID, the Zoom team will reach out to you directly to find a time to move the data between your old and new accounts. Scheduled meetings, scheduled webinars and cloud recordings are all transferable with one exception, meetings scheduled with your Personal Meeting ID are not transferable
If you have not heard from the Zoom team within 2 weeks of the date the new NetID was requested, please reach out to Technology Services Help desk by emailing consult@illinois.edu or calling 217-244-7000. Request a notice be sent to Zoom Tier 3 asking for the data to be transitioned between the two accounts; please include the old and new NetIDs.

meeting preferred netid change 
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zoom t. in University of Illinois Technology Services
UI Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Technology Services