Identity Management, Exchange Email after Retirement

Information on what happens to Exchange email accounts when a staff/faculty member retires.

Urbana campus Faculty/Staff

For Urbana faculty/staff who retire from the university, their email access is continued for life. Normal password expiration rules apply.
Their O365 license is then downgraded from an A5 to A1 license to only allow online access to O365 apps (cannot download the Office Suite). Retirees also lose their university phone number and voicemail. Emeriti are only treated the same as current faculty/staff if they have a current appointment with the University.

System Office employees (UA) 

The employee's pay campus is responsible for their email when the UA employee retires. Generally, UA employees do not get to keep their address.
Urbana Pay Campus - Retirees keep their Urbana mailboxes with the email address for perpetuity and keep until Tech Services removes it.
Springfield Pay Campus - Retirees keep their UIS mailboxes and email address for perpetuity.
Chicago Pay Campus - Retirees have 90 days to transition from their to a non-University e-mail and then their email is deactivated (mailbox AND redirect) unless they have emeritus status (emeriti can retain for life).
For System Office employees with a pay campus of Chicago or Springfield, their Urbana uofi domain user account will be disabled when AITS System Access Management processes (as part of the processing of) the termination of access submitted by their unit's USC.  
No other retirees from any other SURS or CMS related institutions are eligible for this service. They must have retired from the university at one of the eligible campuses above under the stipulations set out.

Additional Information

For details about your access to other services after retirement, please see Identity Management, Leaving Campus for Faculty and Staff

retiree system office uillinois illinois @uillinois @illinois retired transfer outlook email 
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Identity and Access Management G. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services