Tech Services, Service Management Office, Published Service Level Agreements

Technology Services is developing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for its service offerings.

What is a Service Level Agreement?

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a document that outlines service delivery expectations as agreed upon by both the service provider (Tech Services or Vendor) and service users. The purpose of an SLA is to identify the service offering and any agreed upon optional features to be provided by Tech Services (or Vendor), the roles and responsibilities of all parties, costs, support models, and service delivery benchmarks.

How are SLAs Created and Adopted?

The creation, approval, and adoption process are outlined here: Tech Services, Service Management Office, Service Level Agreement Guide and Template

Where are SLAs Published?

All approved SLAs are published to U of I Box:

Optionally, approved SLAs may be linked to the service offering's service catalog entry.

Additional Information

Please contact the Service Management Office with any questions.