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Amazon Web Services (AWS), Office Hours

As you start to use Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can request to meet with our AWS team who supports the University.

The University has Enterprise Support with AWS which provides time with our dedicated AWS team of Solutions Architects and Technical Account Managers. In addition, the AWS team can bring in experts in other areas to help solve issues. Along with the dedicated AWS team, members from our Cloud Enablement team also participate in the meetings.

AWS Office Hours are 30 minute meetings and can be scheduled at You need to supply your name, email and phone number. You can also add any notes about the topic you would like to discuss. If you need more than 30 minutes, you are allowed to schedule two 30 minute meetings back-to-back. 

Alternatively, you can schedule meetings outside of AWS Office Hours for more in-depth discussions by emailing the AWS UIUC team. If you already have an AWS account, you can also open a Support Ticket by selecting Support Center from the Help menu (the drop down menu indicated by '?') on the AWS Console. See AWS Support Ticket for more information.

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University of Illinois Technology Services