Amazon Web Services (AWS), Adding users to your AWS account

How to add users to your AWS account.

When you create a new AWS account using, you can add additional users in the following fields by separating the email addresses with a space:

Browse Folders

After your account has been created, you can add additional users through Authman. AWS accounts are created with default groups of:

  • Admins -- For administrators of the AWS account
  • BusinessUsers -- For Business Office users to examine costs of the account
  • PowerUsers -- For software developers
  • Prisma -- For Cybersecurity to perform security checks on the account
  • ReadOnly -- For Cybersecurity users to examine the account

To add a user to the Admins group:

  • Log into Authman at
  • Using the Browse folders on the left hand side, navigate to Root > Urbana > app > AWS > your-aws-account

Browse folders

  • Click on the name of your account: your-aws-account. This will display account group info on the right hand side of the window.

Open account details

  • In the right hand display for your account, Click on the Admins group. This will display details about the Admins group with each user's ID.

Open Admins window

  • To add a new user to the Admins group, click on the Add members button. Enter the NetID for the user or perform a search to locate the user. With the correct user ID listed in the Member name or ID field, click on the Add button. Note that the user must have a valid University NetID. If you need a NetID for an external affiliate, apply at NetID - How do I request a new External Affiliate status?

Add user to Admins group

If you have any questions, please contact

KeywordsAmazon Web Services, AWS, Adding users, accountsDoc ID137327
OwnerKen T.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2024-05-14 15:02:13Updated2024-06-03 15:16:13
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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