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U of I Box, Leaving the University, Deprovisioning

What happens to data stored on U of I Box when someone leaves the University?

The U of I Box service team will perform periodic account reviews and deactivate accounts that are no longer eligible for the service. People with no current or recent affiliation with the University will lose their eligibility to use the U of I Box service. At this time, this KB pertains to accounts managed by the Urbana campus. Accounts managed by the UIC or UIS may have their own processes.

For faculty, staff, affiliates of the university, you will lose your eligibility when you no longer have the "staff" type in Banner. For students, you will lose your eligibility when you no longer have the "student" type in Banner.

Processes can vary for when a person's type changes in Banner, so we suggest that you make appropriate changes to your data stored in the U of I Box service within 3 months of leaving the university. This means that you should transfer ownership of any departmental data to your co-workers or transfer those files to a group folder. Any personal data should be migrated to another location, such as your personal device or a private cloud storage service. Please see U of I Box, Leaving the University, Migrating your data for options.

Once you leave the university and your account is no longer eligible for the U of I Box service, the service team will mark your account for deactivation.

  • The first step will be marking your files to indicate that the account has been marked for deactivation.
  • Next the account will be deactivated, making the data inaccessible, and the data will be held for 6 months.
  • After this hold period, the account and data will be purged from the system.

If you affiliation changes or you need temporary access during this process before the 6 month hold expires, then your account and data can be restored by the service team.   

UofI Box, account, leaving, left, deprovision, access, terminate, disable, turn off, expire 
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University of Illinois Technology Services