Topics Map > Accounts and passwords

Identity Management, What is my NetID?

What is my NetID? How is it different from my NetID password?

Your Network ID (NetID) is a network login assigned to you that is unique across all University of Illinois campuses. It serves as your login to many University computing and networking services.

Your NetID is the part of your e-mail address before the @ symbol. For example, if your email address were, your NetID would be johndoe. Your NetID has a password associated with it, this password is commonly called your NetID password. It may also be referred to as your Active Directory password.

Many important secure University services will ask for your NetID to find out who you are and your NetID password to verify that you are who you say you are. Of all your computing passwords, your NetID password is particularly important because of the type of services it controls access to and the sensitive personal information that can be accessed if your password is compromised.

If you do not know your NetID, please visit the NetID Center at (

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University of Illinois Technology Services