Email, Spam Control, False positives or negatives
Spam is dynamic and our filters are updated every 5-10 minutes. When a new spam campaign begins, it may take a few minutes for the filters to recognize that new spam pattern so several new spam messages can slip past the filter. To help mitigate this scenario, please send the suspect message to: This email address automatically submits the message to our vendor for a spam evaluation and rule upgrade.
If you still receive spam in your mailbox:
- You can check the message to verify it passed through Spam Control. You can determine if the message passed through Spam Control by checking the message's full headers (How do I view mail headers?). If the message does not have X-Spam-Score, X-Spam-Details, and X-Spam-Origsender tags, then the message did not get processed by Spam Control.
- Verify the sender is NOT on your Safe list or add the offender or the domain to your block list. See the Managing Safe and Block Lists KnowledgeBase article.
Solicitation Email
While spam is dynamic and each campaign changes tactics to try to get past current filters, the filters do not block or filter legitimate advertising messages. In this case, you should click the unsubscribe button to be removed from that advertiser's mailing list. If you aren't sure how to unsubscribe from such mailing lists (or if you aren't sure if the company is reputable and will actually remove you from the list), then simply add its email address to your Blocked Senders List.
Quarantined Legitimate Email - False Positives (FP)
Need More Help?
- Send an email to with a description of the email event, and include details like:
- To:
- From:
- Date:
- Subject: keyword(s)
- For general support please contact the Technology Services Help Desk.