Email, Spam Control, How to stop daily digests or blank digests

I would like to continue using Tech Services Spam Control but would no longer like to receive Spam Control End User daily Digests.

To unsubscribe from Tech Services Spam Control's End User Digests, do the following:

Use the web interface:

After you log into the Web Interface, follow these steps to stop receiving daily End User Digests:

  1. Click Profile in the bottom left navigation window.
  2. Then select Settings.
  3. To stop all digest subscriptions, uncheck both 'Send digest with new messages in my End User Digest' AND 'Send digest even when I have no messages in my End User Digest.'
  4. Click Save.
    • Alternatively, you can also complete this action by opening a recent daily End User Digest email in your email account's inbox, sent from: '' and selecting 'Manage My Account.'



  • After completing these steps, you will no longer receive Spam Control End User Digests.


KeywordsSpam Control daily digest end user unsubscribe web interface my account   Doc ID48999
OwnerEmail Relays E.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-03-18 09:21:15Updated2021-06-25 15:19:04
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Feedback  29   1