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Tech Services Computer Labs, Approving and Releasing your Print Job
When you print to a Technology Services printing system printer, your print job is held in a queue until released. The print job will be deleted if it is not released within an hour.
Where to release print jobs
You can release print jobs from the PaperCut User Portal from any computer connected to internet. Or, you can use the Print Release station for that printer if one is provided.
PaperCut User Portal
Visit and log in with your campus netid and password. Once logged in, you will have several options from the left side bar. You can see a summary of your print jobs, print history, and Illini Cash balances. To release your file to the printer, select "Jobs Pending Release" from the left side menu bar.
You can release all jobs or select individual files to be released to the printer.
Print Release Station (not available Fall 2021)
The Print Release station is a dedicated computer next to the printers in every computer lab. Its screen will look like this:
When you have located your print job on the Print Release station, check the box next to it and then click "Select Jobs". The next screen will look like this:
Enter your NetID password, and click "Release". Your document will be printed and your account billed.