Library, Borrowing Policy and Access to Online Resources

Students, staff, and faculty can access most Library resources using their Illinois account. In order to request or borrow physical materials, a current (non-expired) i-card with a Library barcode is needed.

Borrowing Materials

The Library's policies and instructions for borrowing materials are described on their website here: Borrowing Services Overview.

For inquiries about materials collected in the Main Stacks, reach out to Central Access Services by email at or by phone at 217-333-8400.

Borrowing requires a current i-card, so if yours has expired, you'll need to visit the Urbana ID Center. They can be contacted by email at, by phone at 217-244-0135, or in person at the i-Card Office in the Illini Union Bookstore at 809 S. Wright St.

Accessing Electronic Resources

Some Library resources are licensed and can only be accessed while connected to the campus network. Connecting to the IllinoisNet Wi-Fi on campus will allow you to access licensed resources. If you are not on campus, you will need to either connect to the campus VPN or use the Library's proxy service. Information about using these tools to reach Library resources can be found on their website: Connecting to Library Resources from Off-Campus.

Information about who is eligible to access electronic resources is maintained here: Access to Electronic Resources. The Library has public computers available to use which are allowed to access electronic resources.

Alumni, Affiliates, and Visitors

Only current students, faculty, and staff have full access to Library resources. As a visitor, visiting scholar, or affiliate, you may still qualify for a 'courtesy card' that can be used to access or borrow materials.

Technology Services cannot assist with courtesy cards, but more information about them can be found at the Library's website: Visitors and Affiliates

Contacting the Library and Getting Help

The Library maintains an "Ask a Librarian!" website. This page has a live chat service in addition to email and phone contacts and links to pages of information for specific user groups. The librarians that answer will be able to assist with borrowing or accessing materials through the Library's wide variety of collections and sources.

If you are having login troubles on the Library website, contact the Technology Services Help Desk for assistance. The Help Desk can be reached by email at or by phone at 217-244-7000.

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