Endpoint Services, Munki, What do I do if Multi-Tenant Munki doesn't have software I need?

How do I request new software titles and content for Munki?


Munki Mac Endpoint Management

Affected Customers

University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging Technology Services Endpoint Service Munki Mac Endpoint Management

You can submit a request and ask for anything you would like to see packaged for the Munki service. You may also package software yourself for your own unit Munki repository.

Best practice is:

  • Check the MTM portal's dynamic software list to see if the application you want is already available. This list is updated nightly, and includes all packages in the global, UofI, and UIUC Multi-Tenant Munki repositories.
  • If the software you seek isn't in the list, please submit an EPS support request. It's possible the software you want packaged can be automated by the Mac Endpoint Services Team.
  • If you package the software yourself, you can ask the Mac Endpoint Services team for packaging assistance by submitting an EPS support request.

Please note: software titles containing terms or conditions for using the software will likely need to have the terms approved by the University of Illinois Purchasing and Contract Management Office before being added to the Munki service. This process can take over a month to complete.

Contact the EPS team

Keywordspackage configuration EPS MTM "multi tenant" multi-tenant mac macos endpoint TechS-EPS-MTMDoc ID72430
OwnerEPS Distribution ListGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2017-04-07 15:51:47Updated2023-12-11 10:37:19
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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