Endpoint Services, Munki, What are the details of the CSV file used for adding endpoints to Multi-Tenant Munki?

Describe the Multi-Tenant Munki CSV input file.


Munki Mac Endpoint Management

Affected Customers

University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging Technology Services Endpoint Service Munki Mac Endpoint Management

General Information

Enrolling multiple macOS endpoints in Multi-Tenant Munki is accomplished via a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Each row in the CSV represents what to do with that endpoint. Each endpoint should be uniquely described by the device serial number.

  • The columns in the file can appear in any order but the first line (row 1) of the CSV file must contain headers with specific names indicating the data expected in that column.
  • Tick the checkbox for any column you are providing in your CSV file. Unchecked columns won't be processed and don't need to be supplied in your CSV. Columns provided in your CSV that aren't checked or additional columns beyond those checked in the submission webpage will be ignored.
  • Your CSV should be in UTF8 and can use either CRLF or LF line endings.

If you don't describe whether to add or delete an endpoint, any endpoint with an unknown serial number is added to Multi-Tenant Munki when the "Add" checkbox is selected in the portal. Multi-Tenant Munki will ignore an endpoint if you specify a serial number Multi-Tenant Munki doesn't already know about and do not select "Add" in your checked series of columns on the portal.

If you check both "Add" and "DELETE" on the webpage, and supply an unknown serial number in your CSV where the "DELETE" column is set to 1, Multi-Tenant Munki will produce an error because you're asking for Multi-Tenant Munki to both add and remove the same unknown serial number.

Multi-Tenant Munki preprocesses as much as possible and verifies as many potential issues with the CSV before starting processing. So, if two rows have the same name or serial number, the entire CSV errors out with a message giving the offending serial number or name.

If you download a CSV from the system, all the columns that can be processed are represented. There are a few attributes for the "Window" or "status" that are listed as (ro) as they will be ignored upon reupload.

Example CSV download:

Repository,Name,Serial Number,Client Identifier,Use Template,Force Retemplate,Rename on Install,Window,Status(ro),Window Start(ro),Window Close(ro),Delete
/global/UofI/UIUC/test,EPS-12-TEST,C07WH0BGG1J2,SerialNumber_template,0,1,1,0,ungenerated,2022-01-06 16:45:24,2022-01-06 16:55:24,0

The columns you can check in the submission webpage and provide in your CSV are as follows:

CSV Columns and Details
Column name Details
Name Specifying a name, for example mac27, will change the friendly computer name of any existing row where the name in the CSV does not match the name in Multi-Tenant Munki. This name is name given to scutil --set HostName and is also known as "Sharing control panel ComputerName", "HostName", and "LocalHostName" (with no spaces and Camel Case style). This name will also show up in MunkiReport; if this name is not set a less useful name such as "someone's Macintosh" (where someone is the name of the user that set the system up) will appear in MunkiReport.

Best practice: set this name to fit the format dept-serialnumber where "dept" is the same department or unit prefix used in Active Directory for naming objects followed by a hyphen and the serial number of the endpoint.

Repository The full path hierarchy of the repository, for example /global/UofI/UIUC/Test. Specifying a repository will check the repository the endpoint is associated with. If the repository is different, Multi-Tenant Munki will move the endpoint to the given repository (assuming you have permissions in both repositories).
Serial Number Required field—Serial number of the machine; this is used as the key for uploads.
Client identifier This field name is case sensitive. This field will set the manifest name, known as clientidentifier in the Munki plist file. If "Use Templates" is set, then this is the template name to copy to a Serial Number manifest instead of the client identifier.
Rename on Install 1 will force the "Rename on Install" flag in Multi-Tenant Munki to match the CSV.
Window The default window length is 0 minutes if this field is left blank. Specifying a window length will reopen the window on any computer with a non-zero window time.
Use Template Setting this field will force the the use_template flag in the DB to match the CSV. It will create the serial number manifest from the template if one does not exist. Serial Number manifests are never deleted by the system.
Force Retemplate will force any endpoint with "Use Template" set to 1 and "Force Retemplate" set to 1 to have the serial number manifest created or recreated from the template manifest. This can overwrite a manifest that already exists. For example, if you change the template for a lab from "general-lab" to "346-lab" and want to recreate the serial number manifests, set "Force Retemplate" to 1. Without "Force Retemplate" set the new template will not overwrite the serial number manifests.
Repository Should the repository for the endpoints in this CSV be changed to match the repository listed for this CSV?
DELETE Setting this field to 1 will delete the endpoint with the serial number listed in this row from Multi-Tenant Munki.

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machines systems computers CSV EPS MTM "multi tenant" multi-tenant mac macos endpoint TechS-EPS-MTM 
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