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Topics Map > Communication and Collaboration > Office 365
Topics Map > Communication and Collaboration > Email

Office 365, Email, New Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students

New University accounts are automatically provided with Microsoft 365 mailboxes and licensing during the account setup process. Provisioning takes time, but users are usually able to sign in to Microsoft services 2 hours after finishing NetID Claim or UI New Hire.

The Microsoft 365 services are attached to an account during an automated process which is started at the end of the Claim or New Hire process. This means that users MIGHT not be able to sign in to email until they have waited 2 hours after NetID Claim / UI New Hire.

Once the Microsoft services are fully settled, desktop email clients and the Outlook website at can be used to send and receive messages.

Accounts that existed before the University transitioned to Microsoft services, such as those of returning former students, do not use the NetID Claim process, and thus may not have a mailbox automatically provisioned. Your mailbox is provisioned after you register for classes (usually 1 to 2 days). Please see this article for undergraduate to graduate transition (

If it seems like your University account has not been provided with email even after waiting 48 hours, or if you are newly hired or enrolled and having any other trouble with your University email, contact the Technology Services Help Desk at or 217-244-7000.

Keywordsexchange, email, office, 365, nessie, new, hire, mailbox, netid claim, UI New Hire, undergrads, undergraduates, inbox student returned student-returned   Doc ID84478
OwnerOffice 3.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2018-08-02 16:48:22Updated2024-01-24 10:26:56
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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