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WebStore, Credit Card Being Billed for Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription

Why is my credit card being billed for my Adobe Creative Cloud subscription?

Customers who have purchased the Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription by mistake directly from Adobe will find their credit card is being billed monthly for the service.

Why does this happen?

This occurs if your provided billing information to Adobe when mistakenly signing up for an Adobe trial and creating an Adobe Personal account instead of using the Adobe University Enterprise Account. If you are being billed monthly, you must contact Adobe to resolve this problem.

How can I stop this?

To stop the automatic billing, you must contact Adobe Customer Care and cancel the subscription.
This link describes canceling the subscription online,
This page will give you additional contact options.
You will need to explain to Adobe that you have an Enterprise Account through the University and that you are trying to cancel a Personal Adobe Subscription that you created by mistake.
If you have additional questions about this, please email

KeywordsWork at home $5   Doc ID88099
OwnerWebstore W.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2018-11-30 12:21:26Updated2024-07-25 13:26:53
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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