Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Online Safety

This page is to provide you information on how to be safe online, whether you are on-campus or off campus, being aware of your online presence is very important.

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Please keep the following things in mind when you are online, or have devices online:

  1. Keep your computer, tablet, phone up-to-date! These updates usually have many security fixes and go a long way in protecting your device while on-line. Every computer system has an automatic update system. Check it to make sure it is working. Web browsers and mobile apps also receive constant updates. It is important to periodically check them for updates.

  2. It is first and foremost to remember that every "device" that you have "online" has the potential to be exploited or hacked to be used in malicious ways. Being aware of your device, what they are doing, and keeping any eye on their behavior is important.

  3. No one should EVER ask you for your password. This include Technology Services, anyone from the University of Illinois, or any other reputable company. If anyone is identifying as a university employee and asking for your password, hang up the phone, walk away or end the conversation.

  4. If you are on public Wi-Fi, such as a coffee shop network, it is always wise to connect to our VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. This service is provided to keep you and your information safe. For more information please visit the following Knowledge Base Article to Learn More about VPN

  5. Beware of phishing attempts! Phishing is the act of a user attempting to impersonate another user or organization via email to obtain credentials, password or banking information while thinking that this is legitimate. The most common security issue on campus is accounts compromised. Please be aware of emails that look odd or are asking for sensitive data. When in doubt, independently verify information by contacting the sender via phone or asking your local IT helpdesk. For more information please visit our phishing site for more information.

  6. Always delete phish and spam email BEFORE clicking on links. While many phishing sites attempt to get your username and password, they also often attempt to deliver malware and viruses. Clicking on a phish link can be as bad as actually submitting your username and password.

  7. Please be aware of your social media settings. For a list of things to keep any eye out, visit our social media safety page for more information

  8. Minimize or disable how many websites, or browsers "save" your password and automatically log you into web-pages. The more your password is saved, the more points of vulnerability you have. Use reputable password managers, such as Keepass for your password saving needs!

  9. A Password is not enough. Many critical services now offer 2FA authentication. This includes university systems but also personal services such as Gmail, Facebook, and many others. Enable 2FA wherever possible to avoid identity theft and account compromise.

For additional resources on campus security and best practices, please visit as well as our Campus Administrative Manual for Information Security

KeywordsWi-Fi Help Portal   Doc ID90278
Ownerwireless w.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2019-03-09 19:51:38Updated2022-10-31 11:04:10
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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