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Campus Wi-Fi, Connecting to IllinoisNet

IllinoisNet is a secure Wi-Fi network that all capable devices owned and used by faculty, staff, and students should be configured for and connected to. IllinoisNet is operated and maintained by Technology Services. If you have any questions about the service or issues connecting, please contact the Help Desk.

In order to streamline the process of connecting, we provide a piece of software that automatically configures your device to connect to the IllinoisNet network. You'll need another internet connection, such as cellular data or IllinoisNet_Guest, to download this configuration program.

Instructions for connecting to IllinoisNet_Guest can be found in a separate article here: Campus Wi-Fi, Visitors and Guests

To begin connecting to IllinoisNet, use your device's web browser to navigate to

This site will automatically detect your operating system, and the process will be somewhat different between devices:


  1. Click the Join Now button. Your browser will download a file named WiFi_University_of_Illinois_Urbana-Champaign_Wrapper.exe
  2. Run this .exe file. It may ask for administrator permissions.
  3. A Microsoft prompt will appear. Sign in with your Illinois account email address, and perform multi-factor authentication if prompted.
  4. Click the Next button. The configuration program will use your credentials to set up the IllinoisNet network.
  5. Once the program displays "Joined..." your device should be connected to the internet, and the program can be safely closed and deleted.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Windows devices can be found here: Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Illinois Faculty, Staff and Students-Windows Devices


The SecureW2 configuration program will only work on macOS Catalina (version 10.15) and above. Older devices may require more advanced configuration, or use IllinoisNet_Guest instead.

  1. Click the Join Now button. Your browser will download a file named WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper.dmg
  2. Double-click this .dmg file to mount it. It will present a box with a program titled WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper.
  3. Double-click WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper or the secureW2 icon to run it. It may ask for permission to make changes to macOS.
  4. On the "Please enter your credentials" screen in the small window that appears, use your NetID in the 'Enter your Username' field and your account's usual password.
  5. Click the Next button. The configuration program will use your credentials to set up the IllinoisNet network.
  6. Once the program displays "Joined..." your device will connect to the internet, and the program can be safely closed and deleted.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Apple desktop and laptop devices can be found here: Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Illinois Faculty, Staff and Students-MAC/IOS Devices

iOS and iPadOS

These steps depend on a built-in feature of iOS that only works in the Safari browser.

  1. Tap Sign In.
  2. A Microsoft prompt will appear. Sign in with your Illinois account and perform multi-factor authentication if prompted.
  3. Tap Join Now. You will be asked to download a configuration profile. Tap Allow.
  4. If a "Choose a Device" prompt appears, select the device that requires the IllinoisNet network's connection.
  5. Navigate to the Settings app, and tap on the new section titled Profile Downloaded.
  6. Tap Install in the upper-right corner and enter your device's passcode, then tap Install again.
  7. You will be prompted to enter your Illinois account's password.
  8. Once you see "Profile Installed" tap Done in the upper-right corner.
  9. You can now select the IllinoisNet network in Wi-Fi settings, and your device will be able to connect without prompting.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Apple mobile devices can be found here: Wireless @ Illinois, Connecting to IllinoisNet on iOS


The SecureW2 configuration application requires a version of Android that is 8 (Oreo) or newer. Devices that are not able to update to at least Android 10 may require additional configuration.

  1. Click the Download button under Step 1, or install the SecureW2 JoinNow application from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the SecureW2 JoinNow application. If you are located on campus, it will automatically detect the presence of Illinois networks.
  3. A Microsoft prompt will appear. Sign in with your Illinois account email address, and perform multi-factor authentication if prompted.
  4. Depending on your Android version, you may see a prompt about wireless networks suggested by JoinNow MultiOS. Accept this prompt.
  5. If you do not see this prompt, you may need to navigate to your Settings app and select the 'IllinoisNet' network manually.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Android devices can be found here: Campus Wi-Fi, Connecting to IllinoisNet on Android

Additional information about joining and troubleshooting networks with the SecureW2 JoinNow application is provided by SecureW2 on their website.


Due to the wide variety and technical nature of Linux distributions and networking utilities, it is not possible for us to provide thorough testing or support for Linux devices. If the configuration script fails for you, you may need to use your distro's native networking tools to configure IllinoisNet manually or consider a different operating system for Illinois business.

  1. Make sure that mkdir, rm, tar, gzip, pwd, sed, readlink, and python are available as commands.
  2. Click the Join Now button. Your browser will download a file named
  3. Execute as a shell script, i.e. with a command like sh ./
  4. The script will unpack an archive and run a Python program that opens a Microsoft prompt. Sign in with your Illinois account email address, and perform multi-factor authentication if prompted.
  5. The program will then use your credentials to perform network configuration automatically.
  6. Note - If you have issues connecting, please look at your network manager. We have seen success with "wpa_supplicant", while others might cause some issues.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Linux devices can be found here: Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Illinois Faculty, Staff and Students-Linux Devices

ChromeOS (Chromebooks)

  1. Click the Install button or install the JoinNow MultiOS extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Follow the extension's prompts, through which a Microsoft sign-in page will appear. Sign in with your Illinois account email address, and perform multi-factor authentication if prompted.
  3. The extension will provide a configuration file and instructions for applying it to ChromeOS.

The SecureW2 JoinNow extension has not been thoroughly reviewed for compatibility with IllinoisNet; testing within Technology Services is ongoing, and support is provided on a best-effort basis.

More information about joining IllinoisNet on Chromebooks can be found here: Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Illinois Faculty, Staff and Students-Chromebook

Other Devices

Many other devices can join the IllinoisNet_Guest network by registering their MAC address to your account at the Guest and Device Management portal located at

Instructions for doing so with a variety of devices can be found here: Technology Services Wi-Fi Help Portal-Illinois Faculty, Staff and Students-Gaming Devices

Still having issues?

If you are located in one of the campus residence halls, contact the University Housing Technology group by submitting a ticket at

Otherwise, contact the Technology Services Help Desk by email at or by phone at 217-244-7000.

Wi-Fi, IllinoisNet 
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University of Illinois Technology Services