Zoom, Recording to cloud or Illinois Media Space

When you record a meeting and choose "Record to the Cloud", the video, audio, and chat text are recorded in the Zoom cloud located at https://illinois.zoom.us/recording. The recording files can be downloaded to a computer, streamed using a browser from the Zoom cloud dashboard or automatically transferred to Kaltura (Illinois Media Space).

Before you record, please consider the following:

Please review CITL's documentation on copyright best practices.

Illinois is historically a two-party consent state.  Although there has been relatively recent changes to this, it is best practice to receive consent to recording from those present.  If you intend to post your recording publicly, please turn on the Recording disclaimer.  It is the second to last setting in your UIUC zoom recording settings.  It is also best practice to verbally communicate your intention to record at the beginning of the event.

Recording disclaimer setting

Zoom + Kaltura Integration

Recordings made directly to the Zoom cloud studio will be automatically transferred to the Host's "My Media" repository in Illinois Media Space (Kaltura).  To learn more about Kaltura (Illinois Media Space) see: Kaltura, Illinois Media Space

The Zoom + Kaltura integration drastically streamlines the process of Zoom recordings distributed in Kaltura. Additionally, it gives faculty more insight through analytics and more control by restricting access to their content. These transferred recordings will not be shared with anyone by default.

Due to limited space in Zoom cloud recording and the integration with Illinois MediaSpace, the 180 day retention period for cloud recordings in Zoom will not be extended under any circumstances.

Support: There will be a handful of users that may have trouble seeing their content in "MyMedia". This issue occurs when users are in Zoom with a subdomain email (such as netid@cs.illinois.edu or netid@medicine.illinois.edu instead of netid@illinois.edu). The Zoom and Kaltura teams are working on a solution for automatic mapping of these special cases. If you have trouble finding a cloud recording transferred from Zoom to Kaltura, please contact the Technology Services Help Desk at 217-244-7000 or consult@illinois.edu

Zoom Cloud Recordings

Accessing Cloud Recordings:

If you have recorded your meeting or webinar, your recording will be stored on Zoom's Cloud dashboard for 180 days. Cloud recordings can be accessed via Zoom by going to the recording tab within your Illinois Zoom profile: https://illinois.zoom.us/recording. Additionally, recordings made directly to the Zoom cloud studio will be automatically transferred to the Host's "My Media" repository in Illinois Media Space (Kaltura).

IMPORTANT: Recording to the cloud is only available while logged in to the main UIUC Zoom portal at https://illinois.zoom.us.  The "Record to the cloud" feature has been disabled entirely within the Illinois PHI account at https://illinois-phi.zoom.us.

Embedding a Zoom recording in your course:

After you have recorded your class, you might be curious how to upload the Zoom recording to your course space?  It is strongly recommended that you either share the recording from Mediaspace or embed the recording into your virtual course space from Mediaspace.  This is because Mediaspace recordings are stored indefinitely, while recordings in Zoom cloud are only retained for 180 days.  Below is a list of helpful articles detailing how to embed content from Mediaspace into your course.

Illinois Canvas:

Kaltura, Add a video to Canvas

Learn@Illinois (Moodle):

Embedding audio or video from Illinois Mediaspace

Sharing Cloud Recordings: 

Since cloud recordings are stored online, you can share a link and allow others to view your recording.  IMPORTANT: it is strongly recommended to share your Zoom cloud recordings from Mediaspace.  One of the best ways to aggregate and share recordings is by using Mediaspace channels.  Information about channel creation can be found at: Kaltura, Channel creation. For instructions that describe how to add content from your MyMedia folder to the an existing channel please see: Kaltura, Publishing media to a channel.

If you still need to share Zoom cloud recordings directly from illinois.zoom.us/recordings, please follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the meeting topic under "Recordings" and then the "Cloud Recordings" tab within the Zoom portal.
  2. Click "Share" in the last column of the recording you want to share.
  3. Click "Copy sharing information to clipboard" to copy the public link.
  4. (Optional) You can change these settings to restrict access to your recording:
    • Share this meeting: Select Internally (account members only) to only allow account members to view or download the recording.
    • Viewers can download: Turn off the toggle if you do not want views to be able to download the recording.
    • On demand (registration required): Require visitors to fill out a registration form before viewing the recording.
    • Password protect: Require visitors to enter a password before viewing the recording. 

Understanding your Zoom cloud recording settings:

  • Record active speaker with shared screen: Record both active speaker view and shared content on the same video.
  • Record gallery view with shared screen: Record both gallery view and shared content on the same video.
  • Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately: Select the recording layout types that you want to record as separate videos.
    • Note: By selecting this option for cloud recordings, you will see the shared screen recording beside the active speaker/gallery view when viewing a cloud recording using the Zoom web portal.
  • Record an audio only file: Only receive an .M4A file with a recording of the audio.
  • Save chat messages from the meeting/webinar:Receive a .TXT file with the transcript of in-meeting chat messages.
    • Note: For meetings, the chat transcript saved on the cloud will only include chat messages sent to everyone. For webinars, the saved chat will only include messages from the host and panelists to all participants. Messages sent between individuals are not saved on the cloud.

Advanced settings

  • Add a timestamp to the recording: Add a timestamp of the meeting to your cloud recordings. The time will display in the host's timezone, set on their Zoom profile.
  • Display participants' names in the recording: Add participants' name to the bottom-right corner of their video.
  • Record thumbnails when sharing: Include a thumbnail of the presenter when screen sharing.
  • Optimize the recording for 3rd party video editor: Generate your cloud recording video files with a standard format that is compatible with 3rd party video editors. This may increase file size.
  • Audio transcript: Automatically transcribe your cloud recordings.
  • Save panelist chat to the recording: The messages sent by panelists during a webinar to either all panelists or all panelists and attendees will be saved to the recording.

More information concerning these settings can be found at: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/203741855-Cloud-Recording

Zoom, Share, Sharing, Cloud, Recording, Kaltura, Media space, recordings, zoom cloud recording days 180 
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University of Illinois Technology Services