Results: 1-20 of 24

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1WebStore, Ansys Updates for License Manager 2021 R1 affects versions 2017 to 2020 R21151192024-05-085949
2Webstore, Release timeline for new versions of software567792024-10-236009
3Webstore, Requests for older versions of software567922024-10-226142
4Webstore, New versions of Microsoft Software available under the Microsoft Campus Agreement565742024-09-307437
5VPN, Cisco AnyConnect, Cisco Secure Client, Upgrading To New Versions For Windows, Mac and Linux (64bit)660842023-08-1411923
6Endpoint Security, CrowdStrike, Supported Operating Systems [Campus login required]1140022024-12-1010139
7Endpoint Security, CrowdStrike, Host Search Examples [Campus login required]1239762024-09-097
8Endpoint Services, Munki, How do I access reporting in Munki?724322023-12-018394
9Kaltura, Using Player 71469722024-12-23109
10Zoom, Minimum client version requirement1120252024-12-175423
11Webstore, Are SAS Power and the Sample Size Application included in the SAS Teaching and Research version?561552024-10-235845
12Webstore, Verifying 32-bit or a 64-bit version of Windows562602024-10-235972
13Webstore, Full Version of Windows568152024-08-126022
14Zoom, Accessibility, Issue with new simplified consent notifications1348412024-07-22796
15VPN, CISCO AnyConnect, Mac OS Version compatibility472082023-11-2030523
16Canvas@Illinois , Student mobile app features by version and device1127302023-08-162721
17Canvas@Illinois , Browser Requirements1123382023-08-162346
18Canvas@Illinois , Version1124562023-08-042281
19Zoom, Updating your Desktop Client1002372022-09-1312793
20cPanel, Git integration with cPanel850022022-06-1316407
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