MySQL Installation and Configuration

A guide to installation and configuration of MySQL

An Introduction to Installing and Configuring MySQL Workbench.

This guide provides instructions on installing MySQL Workbench, configuring cPanel to host a database, and connecting to your cPanel database from the workbench. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the iSchool Help Desk for assistance. Before beginning, please note that if you are using a Mac you will need to have Sierra (OSX 10.12) installed in order for MySQL Workbench to work properly.

MySQL Workbench installation guide

  1. To install MySQL Workbench, please visit the MySQL Workbench Download page.
  2. Select your operating system and click Download.

  3. You will be prompted to sign into an Oracle account in order to download the installer. If you do not yet have an account, it is free to register. Once you sign in, the installer will begin downloading.

  4. After the installer has downloaded, click on it to begin the installation process. For basic installation, click through and use the default settings. Installing the program requires administrative privileges.

  5. When the installation is complete, you will be able to open MySQL Workbench.


To connect to a database, you must first create one in cPanel (if you have already created a database in cPanel, please skip this step). These steps can be completed before or after you have installed the workbench. You will also need to add a set of IllinoisNet IP addresses (Step 7) to allow access to your databases from the workbench.

  1. Log into cPanel at iSchool cPanel page. If you are off campus, log into the VPN before visiting cPanel.

  2. In the second section titled “Databases”, click MySQL Database Wizard (third option from the left).

    Screenshot of Database options

  3. Name your new database. It will be in the format of “NetID_Title” (for example, ‘grob2_cpanel’).

    Screenshot of the first step to creating a database, with the field to enter a database name highlighted

  4. Next you will create users to access your database. To do so, create a username and password for each user. The username will be in the format of ‘NetID_username’ (like ‘grob2_temp’). Be sure to enter a username and password, as it is how you will log into your database from the workbench. When you are ready, click Create User below the fields.

    Screenshot of Step 2 to create a database, with the fields to enter a username, password, and password confirmation highlighted. An arrow also points to the "Create User" button to click when ready to move to next step.

  5. After you have created your user, you will need to manage its permissions. Set the permissions to “All Privileges," unless instructed otherwise.

    Screenshot of Step 3, highlighting the checked "All Priviledges" box at the top of the page

  6. You have now set up a database on cPanel.

    Screenshot confirming Step 4 has been completed

  7. To give yourself access to your cPanel databases, navigate back to the home page and click Remote MySQL.

  8. From there, you will be taken to a screen where you can enter IP addresses. Enter the IP addresses listed below for IllinoisNet.

    Manage Access Hosts page that lists access hosts and offers option to delete them

Connecting via MySQL Workbench

After you have installed the workbench and a database to connect to, you will need to configure the workbench to connect to your database.

  1. If you are off-campus, first connect to the campus network using the VPN.

  2. Open the workbench, and click the + symbol in the circle beside “MySQL Connections."

    Screenshot of the options in the MySQL Workbench with the + button to the right of "MySQL Connections" highlighted
  3. A window titled “Manage Server Connections” will pop up, where you can enter the information about your database
    1. Connection Name: cPanel (or some other distinguishing title)

    2. Connection Method: leave on Standard (TCP/IP) method

    3. Hostname: (If connecting to a different server, enter that hostname instead)

    4. Port: 3306 (should be the default port)

    5. Username: enter the username you created in cPanel (e.g., netid1_xyz)

    6. Password: click Store in Vault… on Windows, or Store in Keychain on Mac, and enter the password you created in cPanel. Saving the password in the vault will allow you automatically log in, unless you change the password later. On a Mac, you will have a chance to save your password in the Keychain when you attempt to test the connection or log on.

      Screenshot of Manage Server Connections pop-up with fields highlighted and filled out
  4. Click Test Connection in the lower right corner of the Manage Connections Server pop-up window. This will make sure the information is correct.

    Screenshot of option to click "Test Connection" button in the lower right corner of the screen

  5. You should receive a “Successfully made the MySQL connection” message.  If there is no error, click OK, then Close. This will save your settings for the connection. If there is an error, double-check the information you entered in Step 6. If you need additional help, please contact the iSchool Help Desk.

    Screenshot of window that confirms you have successfully made the MySQL connection

  6. Under “MySQL Connections," you will now be able to view your new connection. Double-click it to connect.

    Screenshot of cPanel showing up as an available option for MySQL Connection

  7. You are now connected.

    Screenshot of the main screen after you have been connected to a MySQL Connection

KeywordsInstall, Installation, MySQL, SQL, Configuration, cPanel, workbench, databaseDoc ID127047
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-04-04 11:15:04Updated2024-06-03 09:46:12
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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