Posting Class Recordings from Illinois Media Space to Canvas

A guide to posting Class Recordings to Canvas from Media Space.

If your class session was recorded to the cloud after August 13, 2020, you will automatically have a copy of the video posted to your Illinois Media Space account. After 30 days, the copy of the recording in the Zoom cloud will be deleted. In order to provide continued access to the recording to students, you may set up a private Illinois Media Space channel (not recommended) or follow the instructions below to post the recording in Canvas (recommended).


Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. On your course page, click the orange Pages from the menu on the left. Then select + Page. (If you have added a front page to your course, select View All Pages, then + Page.)

  2. Title your page and select the starburst icon from the text editor. It's located directly right of the YouTube icon.

  3. A window will appear with all of the videos that you've uploaded to MediaSpace, including class recordings. Scroll until you find the class recording you are looking for and select Embed.
  4. The video will appear in your page.

It is recommended to create a page for each video and store them in a module together. Uploading all of the videos to one page can cause slow loading for students.

Keywords"Media Space", mediaspace, recording, "class recording", canvas, zoom, "zoom recording", embedDoc ID128314
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-05-16 13:16:14Updated2024-09-12 09:38:04
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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