iSchool Classroom, LIS 46

Room 46 in 501 E. Daniel Street is in the basement and primarily serves as a classroom. The room is equipped with the A/V equipment necessary for hybrid and in-person classes.

Control Panel


Rooms 12A, 46, 131 and 242

These rooms have standard control panels with six command buttons.

  • Power: Turns on and off the systems for the projector.
  • Mute: Pauses the projection.

  • Volume: Controls the volume of the room speakers. (Please adjust the volume on built-in computer or laptop first.) 

  • PC: This enables you to project the built-in computer to the television screens. This is the optimal way to use these rooms. If you have a guest joining online, please use this setting. You can also join the same meeting on your laptop (muting your laptop's speakers and mic) for ease and comfort, but be sure the built-in computer is handling sound. 

  • HDMI 2: This enables you to project a laptop screen via an HDMI cable. 

  • VIDEO: This will give you the same options as PC (in rooms with Solstice capabilities this will be the setting you will need to use).
  • VGA: This will give you the same options as PC.

Room 12A, 46, 131, and 242 Control Panels

Rooms 53 and 126

These are irregular control panels. 

Room 53

The control panel in this room can be found within the black cage on top of the desk in the South-West corner. The cage is not locked, but you may need to turn the buttons to select Built-in, HDMI, or Solstice.

Room 53 control buttons

Room 126

The control panel in this room is touch screen. It is located beneath the computer, built in the desk. The touch screen will take a moment or two for it to register your touch; so the key is to give it a few seconds if it doesn't automatically respond.

Tip: every time the system is powered on, the button Room Mic Mute, will be orange, indicating that it is muted. Just pressing the orange button will un-mute it and turn the button blue.

Control Panel Home Screen

Here is the main screen. To turn on the projector, press the System off button in the upper left side. This should turn on the projector from the far end of the entrance and screens. Please do not manually pull down the projector screens. If you want dual screen projection, then you need to back to the Home screen on the control panel and press on the "Dual Projection".


Using the Built-in Computer


Using the built-in computer is the normally optimal way to use our conference rooms, especially for Zoom calls as only the built-in computer connects to the built-microphone and cameras. However, rooms 126 and 43 are both outfitted to avoid this issue. Many people prefer to use their own laptops to navigate, so it'll be good practice to recommend them these rooms when we can.

  1. Follow the instructions on How to use the control panel (Room 4035, 4165, 5116)How to use the control panel (Multi-Purpose Room), or How to use the control panel (Room 12A, 46, 53, 126 and 131).
  2. Use the keyboard and mouse located on top of the cabinet or on the conference room table to control the built-in computer. 
    1. These may be turned off. You can turn them back on using the power switches.
    2. These do have a range, so if they work close to the receiver but not elsewhere in the room, you might be out of range.
    3. If you cannot locate these items or suspect the batteries are low, check with the Help Desk.
  3. Log in using your NetID and password. Guests will not be able to log into these computers.


Using a Plugged-In Laptop

[Content placeholder inside panel Using a Plugged-In Laptop. This content will be shown/hidden as the panel is toggled.]



Note: Our laser pointers can also be used as clickers to navigate slideshow presentations.

Clicker Instructions

  1. Remove the USB device from the clicker–it should be located on the back of the clicker near the top.

    Clicker usb

  2. Insert the USB device into the computer you would like to present from.

    USB hub

  3. Navigate to the slideshow you would like to present and open it (you can also press the yellow F5/Esc button on the clicker to start the presentation).

    F5/Esc button

  4. Use the arrow keys on the clicker to navigate the slideshow.


If a clicker is not working, check that:

  • The USB connector is plugged into the computer using the clicker.
  • The clicker is turned on.
  • The batteries are not dead. (Try out the laser pointer function on the clicker to confirm.)
  • The slideshow is active window on the computer using the clicker. If a person is presenting in PowerPoint, then switches to another window, the clicker will not advance the slides until they make the slideshow the active window by clicking inside PowerPoint. This is a particularly common issue for hybrid presentations, when a presenter may be switching between PowerPoint and Zoom.


Solstice Wireless Content Sharing


Connecting to Solstice on a Windows device

If you want to connect wirelessly to a Windows laptop, you will need to download and install the Solstice application on your device. If you are borrowing a laptop from the Help Desk, this should already be installed. (For Mac users: you can follow these same steps, but you also have the option to use AirPlay, which does not require a separate download and installation.)

  1. Check that you are connected to the IllinoisNet wireless network.
  2. Specific instructions by room:
    1. Room 126:
      1. Select Use a Laptop > Solstice from the Control Panel (refer to "Using the Control Panel" if you are unsure how to perform this step).
      2. On your laptop, follow the instruction displayed on the built-in's monitor and / or the projector screen by opening your browser and navigating to the URL displayed. If you need to download the Solstice application, there will be a link to do so. If you already have it installed, there is a link below that will open "room 126" in Solstice. Regardless of whether you have the application installed, if this is your first time using this room, you will need to click this link to bring up "room 126" within the application. *
    2. Rooms 46 & 53
      1. Select the "Video" button on the wall panel
      2. On your laptop, follow the instructions on the projector screen by opening your browser and navigating to the URL displayed. If you need to download the Solstice application, there will be a link to do so. If you already have it installed, there is a link below that will open "room XX" in Solstice. Regardless of whether you have the application installed, if this is your first time using this room, you will need to click this link to bring up "room XX" within the application. *
  3. After you have installed Solstice and clicked the “Already have the app?” link, you will be given a 4-digit code on the built-in's monitor and / or the projector screen to input into the Solstice application on your laptop. Afterwards, click Connect.
  4. From there, you will be connected to the room and can choose to share your desktop, an application window, or a media file.

     * After going through these steps once, you can just open the Solstice application after Step 2 and select the room from the recent list.

Connecting to Solstice on a Mac device using AirPlay

  1. Check that you are connected to the IllinoisNet wireless network.
  2. On the laptop, go to System Preferences > Displays and select the proper room from the available displays in the Add Display drop-down.
  3. You will be prompted to enter the AirPlay password.
    1. There should be a 4-digit code displayed on the screen.
    2. Enter this as the password. This password changes regularly so you do not need to save or remember it. 
  4. From there, you will be connected to the room and can choose to share your desktop, an application window, or a media file.



This room contains a built-in computer. Using the built-in computer is the optimal way to use this space, especially for Zoom calls as only the built-in computer connects to the built-microphone and cameras.

If you prefer to use a laptop, the best way to do this is by using the HDMI cable because more issues arise when connecting wirelessly.

Room 46 Equipment
Room 46 is equipped with the following: Room 46 does NOT have:
  1. Seating for 37
  2. A built-in computer
  3. A built-in microphone
  4. A built-in camera
  5. An HDMI cable for connecting a laptop
  6. A USB-C cable for connecting the audio and camera of a laptop as well as a control box to switch inputs
  7. Projector and screen
  8. A panel-controlled A/V system
  9. Chalkboard
  10. Solstice and Airplay for streaming
  1. A whiteboard
  2. LED screen

Room Layout

The layout of room 46 is shown below

A map of room 46



[Doc 132919 content is unavailable at this time.]

501 East Daniel Street, 501 E Daniel, 501, Room 46, Room A/V, control panel
Doc ID:
Owned by:
iSchool U. in School of Information Sciences
University of Illinois School of Information Sciences