iSchool Rooms: How to Connect the Television to a Windows Laptop Wirelessly (Panel Rooms)

A guide to connecting to televisions with a windows laptop in rooms with a control panel in 614 E. Daniel St.
You will need to download and install Solstice to connect wirelessly to a Windows laptop. If you are borrowing a laptop from the Help Desk, this should already be installed.
    1. Check that you are connected to the IllinoisNet wireless network.
    2. Use the control panel to set the source for the desired television to wireless projection.
      For rooms 4035, 4165, 5116:
      Control Panel wireless optionControl panel wireless source
      For the Multi-Purpose Room:
      Multipurpose room wireless source

    3. On the laptop, open the Solstice app.
    4. Find the television in the list of displays or search the room name to find it.

4018 4018 room
4031 no Solstice connection
4035 room 4035
4165 room 4165
5116 room 5116
Multi-Purpose Room A room 4043a
Multi-Purpose Room B room 4043 b

Solstice connect to a display

  1. You will be prompted to enter the Solstice password. There should be a 4-digit code displayed on the television (it pops up briefly in the center of the television but it will remain displayed in the locations in the photograph below). Enter this as the password. This password changes regularly so you should not bother saving or remembering it. Note: The photograph below was taken in room 4018. The screen you see will have your room number on it and a different password.

    Solstice password

  2. The laptop should now be connected to the television.

Keywordsguide connecting tvDoc ID129038
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-06-14 13:41:53Updated2024-08-16 09:44:59
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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