Zoom: Creating Polls Ahead of Time

How to create Zoom polls prior to meetings/classes.

To save time in class or meetings, you may wish to create polls in advance. Follow the steps below to create polls for your class or meeting ahead of time. 

Note: Make sure that you are using the most recent version of Zoom to ensure that the information in these pages matches what you see. This documentation from Zoom explains how to check for updates. After updating, restart your computer. 

Making Sure Your Settings are Correct 

Before you can begin creating polls, first make sure the “Meeting Polls” setting is selected. To do this: 

  1. Go to illinois.zoom.us to access your UIUC Zoom account. Log in with your Net ID and password. 

  2. On the left side of the screen, click Settings and scroll down to "Meeting Polls/Quizzes." Make sure this setting is selected and blue. You may also make adjustments to the settings below.

 Zoom meeting enabling polls

Creating Polls Ahead of Time 

  1. After confirming that your settings are correct, you are now ready to make your polls. 

  2. Remaining logged in to illinois.zoom.us, click Surveys on the left side of the screen.  

  3. Click Create.

    Zoom create poll or survey button

  4. After clicking Create, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to create a survey or poll/quiz. Select "Poll or quiz" and click Create

    Zoom create poll/quiz button

  5. After clicking Create, another pop-up window will appear that allows you to enter your poll questions. You can give the poll a title, mark if you would like answers to be anonymous, and change your question to be either single or multiple choice.

    Zoom poll settings
  6. You can add multiple poll questions here. At the bottom of the pop-up window there is an option that says "+ Add a Question." Please note that you can edit and delete questions later. 

  7. Once you are finished adding your questions, click Save at the top right of the window. This will save your poll, and will be available to access during all of your Zoom meetings.

  8. When you are ready to use your poll in the Zoom meeting, click Polls/quizzes from the bottom menu bar to see your list of polls. Select the poll you created to launch it in the Zoom meeting and allow students to answer the questions. 

    Polling menu in Zoom meeting

 Screenshot shows a poll that has been launched in Zoom.

Screenshot shows what poll looks like once it has launched.

Keywords"How to", guide, making, make, Zoom, vote, survey, before, poll*   Doc ID129176
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-06-16 13:44:07Updated2024-07-09 09:58:05
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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