TDX: Basic Ticket Functions

Internal guide to using the Team Dynamix (TDX) ticketing system. If you are working in an Technology Support/Information Technology role, you may be using this system.

Follow this guide to learn the basic functions for managing tickets in TDX. Open up TDX in another tab and follow along with this training there. 

Claiming a Ticket

You want to claim a ticket when you're taking primary responsibility for working on it. To claim a ticket, open the ticket, select the green Actions menu, and select Take support request from the drop down menu. This will add your name under the "Primary Responsibility" field on the ticket. It will now appear in "Assigned to me" under the "Tickets" menu on the left side of the screen.

Actions tab dropdown with "Take Support Request" option highlighted

Assigning/Reassigning Ticket

If a ticket does not have a primary responsible party, you can assign it to someone by opening the ticket and selecting Assign Support Request from the Actions drop down menu. This will open a new window where you will see a text field labeled "New Responsibility." Begin typing the name of the person you want to assign the ticket to, and select their name when it appears. If you want to send them an email notifying them, check the box that says Notify the new resource of the assignment. You can also leave a comment in the text box labeled "Comments," but it is not necessary. When you are done select the green Save button in the upper left corner of the window.

Actions tab dropdown with "Take Support Request" option highlighted

New Responsibility 

Reassigning a ticket works in the same way. Open the ticket and select the Actions drop down menu. Select the option to Reassign Support Request. In the new window that opens, begin typing the name of the person you are reassigning the ticket in the New Responsibility box and select their name when it appears. You can select the Notify the new resource of the assignment box to send them an email or leave them message in the "Comments" text box. When you are done, press the green Save button in the upper left corner of the window.

Replying/Commenting on a Ticket

We use TDX to email with requesters. You can reply to a ticket by opening it and clicking on the green Comment button in the lower right of the ticket window. Click on the menu that says Notify and select the person/group you want to email. If you are replying to a request, this will just be the requester. Type out your email in the text box. Leave one line of space between the body of your email and type your name. TDX will automatically add a signature to your comment. Click the green Save button and your email will be sent.

Sample ticket with notification field highlighted

Sometimes we need to communicate internally about a ticket without notifying the requester. To leave a private comment, check the box above the "Notify" field that says Make comments private (only visible to UIUC - iSchool users) and leave the Notify field blank. Type your comment in the text box. Click Save and your comment will appear in the feed at the bottom of the ticket.

Notify Responsible

Resolving a Ticket

To resolve a ticket, open it and click on the Actions menu. Select Update from the menu. A new window will open. In the field that says "New Status," select Resolved. Note that updating the status of a ticket requires you to add a comment; you could simply type "Resolved" here. 

Sample ticket with new status field highlighted

Dropdown of ticket statuses shown with "resolved" option highlighted

Below the "Comments" box, there will be a field labeled "Notify." This will automatically be populated with the name of the requester. To remove the requester so they will not be notified, click the little X next to their name. They do not need to be notified of the ticket resolution. When you are done, click the green Save button in the upper left corner of the window.


Keywords"Team Dynamix", TDX, ticket, "ticket system", "IT system", "support request", "basic ticket function", "ticket resolution", "resolving ticket", resolve, "basic tdx", "Information technology", "Technology support", "remote support", email   Doc ID129249
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-06-21 14:56:08Updated2024-06-03 10:26:11
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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