Results: 1-20 of 155

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Posting Class Recordings from Illinois Media Space to Canvas1283142024-05-13601
2Email Forwarding1284242024-05-13461
3Zoom: Polls1266802024-05-10573
4Zoom: Using PowerPoint in Presenter Mode1351932024-05-1066
5Zoom: Setting the Time Zone1267022024-05-10676
6Zoom Settings for Classes with Non-UIUC Guest Speakers1266992024-05-10707
7Zoom: Chat1266792024-05-10529
8Zoom: Changing Display Settings1248592024-05-10921
9Zoom: Screensharing Basics1296072024-05-10434
10Zoom: Self-Select Breakout Rooms for Instructors1297122024-05-10521
11Zoom: Self-Select Breakout Rooms for Students1297132024-05-10379
12Zoom: Sharing a Pre-recorded Video1297142024-05-10392
13Zoom: Using the Whiteboard in Breakout Rooms1297512024-05-10712
14Zoom: Creating a Session1290632024-05-10546
15Zoom: Presenting1248622024-05-10723
16Zoom: Inviting Attendees1283602024-05-10495
17Zoom: Ending Meeting for Host1283582024-05-10407
18Zoom: Recording Meetings1283222024-05-10502
19Zoom: Webinars1297472024-05-10540
20Zoom: Troubleshooting Zoom Chat1297282024-05-10461
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