Results: 1-20 of 25

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
2iSchool Classroom, LIS 1261290022024-08-23977
3How to adjust screen scale and layout (Windows)1292372024-06-031281
4WebTools: QR Codes/Short URLs1267102024-12-103105
5iSchool Policies regarding management of University owned equipment1337242024-12-02694
6Copy and Scan at the iSchool1290362024-10-10944
7Adobe Creative Cloud1289112024-09-271114
8iSchool Rooms: How to Use the Control Panel (Multipurpose Room)1292432024-09-121090
9Posting Class Recordings from Illinois Media Space to Canvas1283142024-09-121248
10Canvas: Importance of Using the Text Editor1295852024-09-12905
11iSchool Rooms: Clicker Instructions1290332024-08-16946
12Printer Locations and Models1294382024-07-151974
13Zoom: Breakout Rooms1266742024-07-101634
14Zoom: Assigning Student Roles in Breakout Rooms1289142024-07-08863
15Zoom: Recording Meetings1283222024-07-081275
16Zoom: Recording and Finding Recordings for Instructors1283202024-07-081349
17Zoom: Using the Whiteboard in Breakout Rooms1297512024-07-033637
18Zoom: Inviting Attendees1283602024-07-03843
19Adding Zoom Meetings to Outlook Calendar1289102024-07-031203
20Graduate Student Laptop Requirement1292332024-06-032823
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