Results: 1-10 of 10

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Zoom: Creating a Session for Online Courses1248782024-05-10864
2Zoom: Breakout Rooms1266742024-05-10794
3Zoom: Recording and Finding Recordings for Instructors1283202024-05-10520
4Zoom: Attendance and Poll Reports1293442024-05-10591
5Zoom: Recording for MediaSpace1283212024-05-10547
6Zoom: Self-Select Breakout Rooms for Instructors1297122024-05-10509
7Zoom: Self-Select Breakout Rooms for Students1297132024-05-10368
8Zoom: Assigning Student Roles in Breakout Rooms1289142024-05-10429
9Graduate Student Laptop Requirement1292332023-07-25848
10iSchool Classroom, LIS 12A1289792024-01-09514

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Predicted matches in other sitesUniversity of Illinois - College of ACES (1 match)
University of Illinois Technology Services (2 matches)