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KB User's Guide - General Info - Highlighting in the Live Sites and in the KB Admin Tools

This document will discuss how to highlight a single document within a list of document results either in the Live Sites or in the KB Admin Tools. We will also discuss how your search terms in the in the live document can be highlighted /or have the highlighting removed.

Highlighting that Occurs in the Live Sites

Hovering over a document title

A keyword search of a live KB site has yielded results of one or more documents.

In the example below, a search for TOC has yielded a set of 8 documents.

KB live site search results from the 'TOC' keyword

Place your cursor anywhere in the table and the document line will become highlighted in yellow. Clicking on the document title link opens the document.

Mouse hovering over a KB live site search result highlighting a specific document

Highlight Matching Terms button in the Live Site

If you were to click on a KB document from the Live Site, on the far right of the screen, you will see a button called Highlight search terms.

KB document showing the title, header, and highlight search term buttons on the right side

When you click on the Highlight search terms button, it will highlight the keyword(s) you entered. The example below demonstrates the highlighting of a single keyword that was entered in the search box, TOC .

KB document with the search keyword TOC highlighted throughout the document

Below is an example of multiple keywords entered into the search box leading to this document. The keywords were TOC, containers and headers. Notice how each word is highlighted in a different color.

Document with multiple search keywords each highlighted in a different color

Click on the Remove highlighting button on the far right to remove highlighting.

Highlighting That Occurs within the KB Admin Tools

Whether you (have the correct permissions and) click on a link of the left navigation bar of the Document tab...

  • Use Docs from...
  • New Doc from...
  • Active
  • In Review
  • In Progress
  • Inactive
  • Trash
  • Expired
  • Expiring
  • Aging
  • Shared-out
  • Batch Update
  • Batch Transfer

...or use the filters prescribed in KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting, you will likely see a table of one or more documents. If you hover your cursor over a document in this table, it will be highlighted in yellow.

A results table of Active Document. The top result is highlighted in yellow.

Document Quickview

There are triangles pointing to the title of each document.

A results table of Active Documents. The top result is highlighted in yellow and the drop down arrows at the far left of each result are circled in red.

If you click on the triangle pointing to the document title, you will see a "Quickview", or a complete view of the document's content without leaving the search results table. Simply click on the downward pointing arrow to close the Quickview. This Quickview feature is modified specially for those using screen readers, so these triangles can be engaged by a keyboard, specifically by the spacebar.

The dropdown arrow has been clicked for one of the documents, showing the Quickview of the document. The dropdown arrow on the left is circled in red.

The highlighting continues to highlight the document under your cursor, even if the QuickView is displaying content. KB Admins may disable this feature, please see Quickview.

searching searched documents live site highlight high light matching terms keywords yellow Quickview quick view quickview quick view triangle 
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Leah S. in KB User's Guide
KB User's Guide