Topics Map > Settings Tab

KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Displaying KB Pre-defined Features via Side Module Links

NoteInformation symbol

You must have full administrative permissions in your space to perform these steps. This means access to the Documents, Settings, and Users tabs.

This document will go into detail on how to display links to the Site-level Feedback Form, Topics Map, Keyword Index, Site Glossary, Assessment page, and Dropbox page as Side Module Links.

Note: For full instructions on how to create a "Side Module" and their subsequent links, please see KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Menus.

Example of a Menu in our Demo KB Site

The image below shows a custom side left Menu called "KB Features". The Menu items in the content module show the six delivered KB features.

KB Pre-defined Features module on a KB livesite

Six Delivered KB Features

Pre-Defined KB Features
Pre-defined Feature Page Description Available on Internal Site Available on External Site
assessment.php Displays available Assessments and results of past Assessments YES NO
dropbox.php Displays the Dropbox page YES NO
feedback.php Displays site-level feedback form YES YES
topics.php Displays site's Topics map YES YES
keywords.php Displays all keywords and usage frequency YES YES
glossary.php Displays all glossary items and glossary search YES YES

The image below shows how the Menu links are defined in the Settings tab. The Link URL* field shows the name of the pre-defined feature followed by .php. Example: <feature>.php.

KB Features Menu section in the Menus page.


The Feedback link leads to the site-wide feedback form.
Consumers of your KB Site can use this form to send you feedback on your content and suggest ways to make your site more engaging.

KB live site feedback form

Topics Map

The Topics Map vertically displays your topics and their subtopics.
Consumers of your KB can click on a topic and see all documents assigned to that specific topic.

KB live site topics map showing a particular KB's topics and subtopics


The Keywords feature displays the alphabet horizontally. The page displays a table of all the keywords in alphabetical order.
Consumers of your KB content can click on a specific word and be led to a page that lists all the documents that use that specific keyword.

Unique keywords screen showing a horizontal alphabet and indivual keywords corresponded to each letter


The Glossary feature displays all of the Glossary items in your KB Site. You may use the search field to find a specific glossary item along with the topics dropdown menu. Clicking on a specific glossary item displays its definition.

Kb live site glossary page showing horizontal alphabetic with glossary results and their definitions


The Quiz feature will only display on the internal site. This feature displays all of the quizzes and survey items in your internal KB Site. For more details, please see  KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Quiz/Survey Modules 

Kb internal live site showing a table of quizzes and surverys


The Dropbox feature will only display on the internal site. For details on how dropbox works, see  KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Dropbox 

KB internal live site showing dropbox options for a particular user

modules name position FullView full view MobileView mobile view LandingPage landing page DocPage doc page order navigation menu bar update modify change topics.php feedback.php keywords.php assessment.php glossary.php dropbox.php create topics map delivered 
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Leah S. in KB User's Guide
KB User's Guide