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KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Requesting a Document From Another Group

In the KB, you can have documents that are owned and maintained by other groups shared with your own group, making it possible for your users to easily access that existing content without recreating it for your group. This page describes how to find and request those documents.
  1. In the KB Admin Tools, go to the Documents tab and click on the Use Docs from... link in the left navigation bar.

    The Request a Doc From link can be found as the third link in the secondary navigation under the Documents tab.

  2. Upon clicking on the Request a doc from... button, you will be taken to a screen called Request Documents from Other Groups. From here, you can search for documents that may be relevant to your KB site visitors.

    Most of the search filters on this page will be the standard KB Admin Tools search filters described in KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Document Searching and Sorting, with two exceptions:

    • Groups - This dropdown list defaults to All other groups. If you open the dropdown, you will see a list of all active KB spaces with the institution included as a prefix.

    • Age - This filter defaults to 30 days, which means that the results included on the page will be limited to documents that were created within the past 30 days. You may select age ranges between 1 day through 100 days, or to see all documents, you may also select "All Age".

  3. Once you have the Search filters set as desired, you can begin browsing the list of matching documents.

  4. If you find a document you would like to have shared with your KB space, use the Request button to easily notify the document owner and group admin(s).

    In the document result table on the Use Documents From Other Groups page, the Request button will be in the third column, which is labeled Action

  5. Clicking on the Request button will lead to a pop-up window with the Document Sharing Request Form. If desired, you can enter a message in the note field explaining why you would like the document to be shared.

  6. Click the Request share button to submit the form. This will send an email with the document ID and title, your name and email address, your group space, and your note (if provided) to the document owner and group admin(s).

    The request form will open in a popup window and display all of the included data in a small table. In this example, a note has been added to the request that says, Could you please share this document with our internal and external sites? Thanks!

  7. Once the request is submitted, the document owner and group admin will receive an email. The request will also appear in the owning group's space on the Share Requests under the Documents tab. The document owner will then click on the Take action link at the far right.

    The Share Requests page will contain a table with the columns Title, Doc ID, Status, Requester Group, Requester Email, Request At, Last Action At, Last Action By, and Action. The last column, Action, will contain a checkbox to Take Action on the request.

    The Document Owner can leave a note for the Requester and either Approve or Decline the request, which will trigger an email notification to the requester. If the share request is approved, the document will appear in your group space.

    Checking the Take action box will reveal a field to enter a note, a pre-checked box to notify the requester, and buttons to Approve, Decline, or Cancel.

sending generate generating requests use documents articles other kb groups sites spaces share sharing "use docs from" "Use Docs from..." 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Matt G. in KB User's Guide
KB User's Guide